Saturday, November 25, 2017

Should You Wait to Express Your Love for Valentine's Day?

Just imagine, you are in the middle of the year, say June and you have fallen in love with a close friend or a colleague. Wouldn't you wish that June was February and race through the timeline of your life to reach the special day?

Well, do you believe in falling in love with the same person umpteen number of times?

That's really a great feeling, after all. Love sprouts from the depths of your heart, can you restrict it in terms of time, date and the formalities of a calendar? Well, 14th February is just another date that comes with a sweet message-love him or love her.

Welcome to the sweet sensations that tinkle your emotions. Love does not call for a special day or a long-awaited date. It is a process, a timeless process that lives on spontaneity and mutual trust. In reality, you need not wait for the Valentine's Day to come down the calendar and provide you with the all-important moment to propose him or her. Yes, it is a day to celebrate your love, have a close time and fall in love just once again! But you need not wait for the day to express your love.

Valentine's Day provides us with social pleasure. When it comes to true love, time escapes fast! Never make the mistake of delaying your expressions. By the time 14th February comes creeping at your doorstep, it may be too late or your partner may have changed the channels. Maybe he or she will be reserved for the rest of the life!

Although people all over the world have grand plans for celebrating this day, these are all formalities of love. When you feel the love erupting from the core of your heart, feel free to express it to your partner. After all, love is not a by-product of life, meant to be served on an auspicious day in a palatable manner.

Well, celebrating your love once in a year might give your partner a different feeling. It's just like waking up in the middle of a slumber and falling asleep for another year. Do you wake up to love him or her for just one day in a year?

Well, your partner may want you to propose him or her on that day. So, even if you have expressed your love earlier, make your partner feel the warmth. Tell him or her how deeply you love her and cherish the memories you have in snapshots. You may visit the same place where you first met or proposed him or her. Enjoy the old nostalgia in a new way and feel the warmth of love on valentine's day.

To be simple and clear, if you love someone, be straight and outright. Do not waste your precious time waiting for the day to come. If you love truly, you can make a Valentine's Day out every day in a year. In turn, you can reserve 14th February for a special date without any planning. Let it be the day for an unplanned outing by default.

Article Source: EzineArticles

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