Saturday, November 25, 2017

7 Signs That Should Tell You Your Spouse Is Cheating

You may have been married for some time now and your relationship with your spouse was great. Of late, your spouse does not treat you with the love and care he used to. Moreover, you have heard gossip which suggests your spouse is having an affair, and you want to get to the bottom of this so that you can have peace of mind. How will you know your spouse is having an affair? What are the signs that will tell you that your spouse is cheating?

Below, I share with you a few signs that will alert you to the fact that your spouse may be cheating on you.

1. Odd Expenses

One of the signs that will tell you your spouse is cheating is when he makes odd expenses on items such as telephone bills, bills for restaurants, and also expenses on gasoline which are higher than the usual amount you know gasoline costs. He will find it hard to give any logical or tangible explanation, subsequently, as to how he used the money.

2. Online Affairs

Some spouses visit adult dating sites, sex dating websites, websites that offer no strings attached affairs, and websites that encourage people to cheat on their spouses to find men or women to have affairs with.

Therefore, go through the browser history of your spouse to find out if he has visited some of these sites. Furthermore, go through the profiles of some of those websites to see whether you can find his profile. If he has visited such sites or you see his profile on a number of these sites, you must investigate further.

3. Phone Calls to a Particular Number

Your spouse will need to communicate with his lover and so will make phone calls to that person, especially at odd hours of the day, such as in the night when you are asleep. Therefore, if you notice that your spouse has made a number of repeated phone calls to the same number, and you notice the time of call to be consistently after about 1 am., it should make you suspicious.

Alternatively, if you discover that your spouse receives calls from a particular number at odd hours, and you check later and find out that the person making those calls is of your same sex, it must arouse your suspicions.

4. Spouse Finds Focusing Difficult

A guilty spouse will feel very uncomfortable when he is around you, especially when you do your best to show love to him. As a result, he will find it difficult to focus and be attentive when you are having a conversation or performing a task together.

Therefore, if you notice that your spouse's mind wanders when you are having conversations or he finds it hard to be attentive, when you know he is not dealing with any psychological issues in the home or at work, you must start to suspect him. This is one of the signs your spouse is cheating.

5. Spouse Comes Home Late

If your husband or wife used to come home straight from work, but starts giving you excuses, such as, "Don't expect me at home at 7 pm. I will be working late," and he or she does this consistently over time, you must start to suspect something. Do your own independent checks to verify whether what he or she is telling you is the truth.

6. Persistently Calls You by Someone Else's Name

If your spouse accidentally calls you by the name of another person of your same sex, and repeats it many times, it should warn you that he may be seeing another person and thinking about him or her, and that is why that person's name slips out when he is with you.

7. Becomes Defensive When Questioned About Use of Time

One of the signs that will tell you that your spouse is cheating is when your spouse gets offended every time you ask him about where he went, when you have no prior knowledge of his whereabouts. He may feel guilty about the fact that he is cheating and so when you question him, you make him feel even more guilty, and hence that reaction.


These are some signs that will let you know that your spouse is cheating. They may not be conclusive, and so you may have to do further checks so that you can get evidence you can use to confront your spouse. Try to be composed and patient when you see some of these signs, investigate further, and the truth will come out.

Article Source: EzineArticles

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