Monday, November 20, 2017

Kid Escape

The sun was going down and we could see the shadow from the houses, making their outline on the sidewalk. I was seven or eight years old at this time. Two of my brothers and I were walking back to our house from the park. This was in the seventies and it was not uncommon for us to be walking home, in the dark, by ourselves or with friends or family members.

Our house was two blocks from the park so we didn't have far to walk. The side roads were not paved yet, they would get paved years later, so we were walking on rocks and throwing rocks. We loved to throw rocks and we were good at it.

By the time we crossed the first street, the sun had gone down but there was still a little bit of light. When my brothers and I reached our street, we usually would cut through our neighbors house instead of walking all the way down the street to the sidewalk. This would allow us to reach the sidewalk faster.

It was dark at this time and as we cut through our neighbors grass, a man came out of the bushes and tried to grab us. My two brothers ran and left me behind. We had already reached the sidewalk and so I tried to run but fear hit my muscles and I froze. I screamed at one of my brothers and he came back for me. The older brother of the three of us, ran to get my dad.

From the corner of the street to our house was only four houses away. When the man jumped out of the bushes, he was almost going to grab me when my brother grabbed me and carried me as the adrenaline was kicking in. We made it to the house and the man did not follow us. My dad came running out, carrying his rifle with him. He could not find this man. I won't forget the fear that hit me that night.

I have become a certified Kid Escape instructor. I teach children how to keep from being kidnapped. As I write this article, a friend of mine called me yesterday and told me that a man was looking at them and following him and his family, while they were at the mall. My friend has two young children, so he confronted the man and this man said he was waiting for a pal to show up. When my friend and his family went to another store, this man followed them. I have shared some techniques with my friend's daughter but we are going to meet so that I can teach them everything.

Every month, I work with over eighty prisoners in a prison here in Texas. Every week we have over forty prisoners that we counsel, mentor, help with paper work etc. The majority of these men are in prison for child offences. Some are in there for murder. Some are in there for drugs and some were federal officers that went bad. These are the kind of men we help. All these men that we are helping, have given their lives to God and are not the men they use to be.

Since the majority of these inmates are child offenders, their sentence is more severe than an inmate who has murdered someone. The penalty passed on a child offender holds a longer sentence. When I shared with these men that I was an instructor who teaches kids how to keep from being kidnapped, you could hear a pin drop.

If a child is being Kidnapped, we teach children to grab a leg of the person who is trying to take them, sit on their foot and start screaming as loud as they can. If this person is trying to get the child to take their hands off of his or her leg, then we teach the child to wrap their legs around the kidnapper's leg and lock their ankles while holding on tight. The dead weight is what is going to keep the kidnapper from taking the child. To try to move dead weight when you have to be quick is difficult to say the least.

Time is what the kidnapper doesn't have. The longer the child can stay in the same place the worse it is for the kidnapper. This person is trying to move the child from point A to point B where they will hurt the child. In point A they will not hurt the child nor do they want to draw attention to themselves.

If the kidnapper successfully removes the arms and legs of the child from around his or her legs, then we teach the child to crab walk away. The crab walk is when the child sits on their butt and uses their hands behind them, while using their legs to walk backwards away from the kidnapper.

If the Kidnapper tries to move in circles to get around the child, the child follows them using the crab walk. The child is never to get up and turn their back against the kidnapper. They should always have their eyes on the kidnapper at all times, moving away from the danger. There is so much more to this but with what I shared, it could save a child's life. Women should use these technique as well, it could save their lives too.

Art Solis is an author and best selling author. Art has written over twenty children's books and three adult books. Thirteen of his children's books have been published and one adult book was a best seller. Soon he will publish his other two adult books. Art is the owner of Danger Changer and company that teaches safety.

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