Monday, November 20, 2017

How to Choose a Toy According to Childrens' Age

Are you going to meet a friend or a relative who has kids and are completely puzzled what to buy for them? Are you unaware of their likings and disliking? A few days ago, I planned to meet one of my very old friends. She has two cute babies so I thought about buying some chocolates and toys for them. Buying chocolates were easy, but when it came to getting some toys, I was confused as hell as I was going to meet them for the first time and didn't know their taste.

After wandering from one shop to another, I came to realize cuddly toys would be something every kid would love. And finally, I called my friend and asked about the ages of her kids and bought soft toys for both.

If you ever go through the same situation as me, read the following guide I have prepared. Believe it or not, buying commercial playground equipment for outdoor play is much easier than buying soft toys; therefore, have a look below!

Zero to 12 Months

Since the baby is just new to the world, get him the most sensitive and the softest toy to cuddle and play with. He hasn't seen anything or anyone just now and has a blurry image of the world; therefore, get him something bright and soft to cuddle with and sleep worry-free.

One to Two Years

As a kid grows up and becomes familiar with a language and starts speaking, he demands a partner with whom he can play with and fantasize things. Do not get anything serious as they aren't mature yet, but instead, buy a toy that could fulfill his need of having a partner in the safest possible way.

Two to Three Years

At this age, kids tend to copy and imitate their elders and family members. What can be a better choice than having a partner who could accompany them and make them laugh? In this case, a teddy bear is all a kid of one to two years want. Getting them something to play with indoors is a safer choice than letting them go out and mess around.

Four to Five Years

This is the age of learning and exploring; therefore, you should be getting them something that could stimulate their learning abilities and trigger instructiveness. For instance, give them toys that can act as their virtual friends and be their patients or students while they become doctors and teachers, simultaneously.

Six to Seven Years

Children of six to seven years are the best observers. They are highly influenced by everything they see in their environment including the behaviors of their teachers, peers, and parents. As a result, they copy what they see with a friend sitting back at home (a toy). Get them a toy that can help them in taking their emotions out in a healthy way.

That's it! This is what I summarized with my experience of buying toys for kids. Did it ease your task of buying a right gift for the right age?

Creative Systems Inc. has been in the business of installing recreational equipment since 1972. The 45 years' experience has put us in the most viable position to manufacture the best Commercial Playground Equipment and designing the best outdoor playground equipment equipment in the world. We pride ourselves on having thousands of satisfied customers from all over the globe.

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