Saturday, November 25, 2017

In Love, But Not With Me

Do you dare crave what you cannot have? How do you deter dreams of someone that keeps visiting your heart? No matter how hard you try to resist them it only makes you love them more. Not seeing them is like mourning a death. Leaving you feeling empty and struggling to bounce back. Surely they will love you the same someday. But what if they don't? No promises have been exchanged between you but hope isn't relinquished. You want them so much that you wish you could suck up every hour of their day. When they demand their space you wish you could cry foul but honestly they never led you on. You do whatever it takes to keep them in your presence trying to encourage love from someone that considers you just a friend. You are not winning the battle to obtain their heart because it was never an option. How is it that someone can be just perfect for another but they will never find that out? Trying to close the door on one-sided love is a powerful feat to overcome. It can turn you into an emotional mess.

The mind is tricky and has a tendency to make us believe that everything the person we love do is exceptional. Everything they do is blown up on a monumental level. No one can talk you out of the fact that they are just ordinary people doing ordinary things. Nothing more, nothing less.

Love is the highlight of most people's life. So how in the world could it let two people that should be together down? Blind folding them so they will never get a chance to see how beautiful a relationship between them could be. Instead the one that has so much to lose emotionally is left with a tear stained pillow whispering in the wee hours of the night about their loved and lost story. Obviously in time the deep felt heartache will lessen. But that's no consolation when you're going through the storm. Love is hard to give up on. But sometimes you have to wave the white flag when hope has become dismal.

Facing facts is sometimes brutal, but denial will only hold you prisoner. If there's no indication that love is in the equation stop crying over self imposed pain. People don't choose love, love chooses them. Just because you can see a happily ever after doesn't someone else can see the same vision. We all wish we can end up with the one that floats our boat, but the chance of that happening could be slim to none. The sensible thing to do would be to recognize a no win situation and put that time and energy into someone that has your best interest at heart. So please don't hold your heart hostage set it free. Never sit around waiting on someone that never asked you to. Love must be mutual or it will not work. Unfortunately people down through the years have sadly confessed, "I was in love with them, but they weren't with me."

Article Source: EzineArticles

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