Sunday, November 26, 2017

How Dog Commands Make Your Dog Disciplined & Well-Behaved

Thousands of years ago human beings have formed a special bonding with an animal and that animal is a dog. It is said that humans started to raise puppies well before they raised chickens and kittens or herded goats and cows. Dogs were the first domesticated animals and considered an important member of our society. The jawbone of a dog found in the cave of Iraq around twelve thousand years ago was the earliest evidence of a domesticated dog. This was towards the end of the Mesolithic period and the start of the Neolithic. Dogs are often considered as the catalyst for our civilization.

How dogs have become an important part of our life-

From the primitive time till the modern age, dogs have become an important part of our life. Most of us do not consider them just another animal but rather a member of our family. They are cute, they are loveable and they are highly faithful. This is the only animal that has significantly influenced our lives. They act as our loyal friend with whom you can share everything and spend fabulous time together. Our pet dogs make us feel wanted.

They have amazing ability to protect us, guide us to our way and even conduct the rescue work in deadly situations. The companionship they offer is truly priceless. It is said that their loyalty and love are incomparable and not even humans can offer that level of trust and pure affection.

Findings are offering a strong suggestion that the social support a pet dog gives can a make people (especially older persons) to feel more relax and happy. Owning a dog is a vital source of social support that enhances well-being and overall health of a person. We can learn many substantial virtues from our beloved canine. They can teach us a lot of things with their behavior.

Dogs give a sense of security for the human. They are employed by the police organizations and security agencies to sniff out explosives and bend substances in the public places such as airports, railways stations, hotels and large public venues.

They can be a comfort to people who are feeling lonely or depressed. Playing with your pup can help you to release anxiety and you could feel more calm and tranquil. People may come and walk out of your life but your pet dog will never ever abandon you. They will remain faithful to you for the rest of their life or for the rest of your life.

How essential dog commands can make the bonding with your pet even more stronger-

If your dog has the knowledge about a few important commands, it will help you to gain better control over your pet and your dog will become more obedient and disciplined. Below, we've highlighted the basic dog commands that all pet owner should teach to their dog.

Command "Sit"- This is the primary command that you should teach to your dog. And the best thing is it is the perhaps the easiest of things you can teach to your dog. By training your dog to sit, you can prevent him from jumping and making chaos.

Get down in front of your puppy, holding a treat as a lure

Move the treat in front of its nose
Move your hand up, allowing his head to follow the treat and causing his bottom to lower
As soon as your dog's buttock touches the ground, offer him the treat and repeat the move
Command "Come"- As the name suggests, this command will take your puppy to you. It is important that your dog responds positively to this command as it helps to prevent fatal accidents.
Put a leash to your dog's collar and let him drag it around
The moment it goes away, shout Come and pull the leash towards yourself
When it comes to you give him your love
Command "Wait"- This command helps your pet to dangerously run in front of a speeding car or bolting out of a door.
First make him sit
Then gradually go away from it
The moment he starts following you prevent him by saying wait
Command "Leave it"- To prevent your dog fetching or grabbing something they should not, leave it command could prove really helpful. The leave it command tells the dog it's not for him.
Keep a luring object in both of your hands
Put one of your hands close to your dog's face have him smell the bait
Initially the dog will lick and smell the treat and possibly bark to have it but don't give it to him and order "leave it"
Repeating the move will dissuade him and he will start responding to your order
The best possible way to train your dog is by playing with him. Dog commands are intended to keep your dog safe and well-behaved. To make it respond to the difficult commands, it is suggested to seek assistance from the professionals.

Article Source: EzineArticles

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