Monday, November 27, 2017

How to Use Statistics in Playing Cards

Millions of people enjoy playing bridge and millions of players understand the basic rules of the game. They practice and play every day. Many reach a certain level of expertise and then plateau. Their game stops improving.

What's responsible for this plateau? For many the answer is statistics. Or to be more accurate, a lack of understanding or knowledge of how to use statistics when you are playing.

What do statistics have to do with playing bridge, I hear you ask? The answer is "a lot". They can be, and often are, the barrier to becoming a better bridge player.

Let's assume, for example, that you are declarer. Once the opponents have made their opening lead dummy's hand is exposed for all to see. You know which cards you hold and which cards dummy holds.

Now assume that you are playing a trump contract. Dummy holds 5 cards in trumps and you hold 4, a total of 9 cards. That means that your opponents hold 4 trump cards between them.

You need to plan your play. Depending on which cards you hold in trumps you may need to try and work out how the trumps are split between the opponents. A 4-0 split may mean the game plays very differently from the way it would play if there was a 2-2 split.

You can't know for certain how the cards split in any given situation, but you can use statistics to give you a better chance. Then you can play for the most likely scenario - the percentage play. This won't always work, but over a number of games it will give you the better chance of winning more games.

As you might imagine, there are a lot of statistics associated with playing bridge. The best players will have memorised and will use all of them. Those of us who are more modest, home or club players will just remember a few - the ones that we think will be most useful to us and that we will be able to understand use.

So, back to our trump split. While we are planning our play it may seem to us that a 4-0 trump split between the opponents will need us to play differently from a 2-2 split, or a 3-1 split. We can't know how they split and we might not be able to plan for all 3 scenarios. So which should we choose as the most likely?

Statistics tell us that the probability of a 4-0 split is 10%. However, the provability of a 2-2 split is 40% and the probability of a 3-1 split is 50%. It probably doesn't make sense to plan for a 4-0 split - although if it becomes obvious early on that the cards split that way, you will want to rethink your plan.

In a scenario where a 4-0 split could have a major effect on the number of tricks you win, you may feel that you want to test the split early on in the game by drawing a round of trumps (or whichever suit is of concern). If one of the opponents shows out in the first round, then you know you are up against a 4-0 split and can replan your play.

If testing the split isn't possible, then you will probably want to make the percentage play and hope your approach pays off.

If there are 5 cards missing from a suit, the percentage chances change. The probability of a 5-0 split is just 4% (and the opponents may have helped you work out if that is likely to be the case by bidding that suit). The probability of a 4-1 split is 28%, but the probability of a 3-2 split is 68%. You will probably want to make your initial plan on the assumption of a 3-2 split.

Planning your play is an essential skill, and knowing some basic statistics will help you plan. But bridge is a dynamic game and you need to be prepared to rethink your plan if the opponents wrong foot you, or the statistics don't work in your favor.

You can find all the bridge statistics and percentages that you need to help you become a better player by joining No Fear Bridge - the perfect site for beginning and improving bridge players, where you can practice and learn online at your own pace. You can join by visiting Blueberry Bridge and signing up for your trial membership of No Fear Bridge. What are you waiting for??

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Sunday, November 26, 2017

Designer Handmade Small And Medium Dog Clothes And Accessories

Spring is right at our doorstep and the time for significant preparation is certainly ripe. Our pets will need some extra attention and care because the season itself is lively, where the flowers return to the soil and the trees get regenerated. Nature is certainly at its best and so is the spirit of our pet-friend.

The best way to connect with our dog is by playing with it for some time during the day with play-time accessories. Also, it is important to keep a note on his/her diet as improper meals will lead to unwanted fat growth or obesity over-time. Designer apparels for pets look fashionable and are comfortable for the animal too. The non-toxic material will keep the animal safe, happy and will add a distinctive appearance that captivates everyone's observation on the streets.

Why go for Dog Clothes and Accessories?

The benefits of pet-oriented products are numerous. Ranging from the fulfillment of natural tendencies to securing a livelihood and promoting better hygiene, such dog clothes and accessories are manufactured only to improve the lifestyle conditions of the pet as well the owner. Here we'll go through the benefits of honing the utility of such useful accessories.

Health and Happiness

Animals naturally need physical activity else it will degrade the health with fatal consequences. Firstly animals need to jump around, chew things, explore and understand the environment. These restless creatures need to experience the outer world so as to keep themselves entertained and the body fits for survival. Without proper exercise or playtime, the body will develop unnecessary weight and will eventually create obesity which is not at all good for the pet.

Regular playtime for at least two hours with your pet will not only develop the bond but will also keep the animal physically active. For instance, interactive toys will develop the animal's intelligence level. Plush toys will fulfill the chewing tendencies and fetching toys will similarly train the dog. After having gotten used to the playtime accessories, the pet can entertain itself on its own will when the owner is away and will seldom feel left out.

Without proper playtime or physical activity, the animal will eventually develop signs of aggression, anxiety and might go on to harm/bite other animals or humans as well. Hence, it is important to keep them physically first and healthy and not expose them to extreme idleness.

Peace and Comfort

Apart from good health, mental stability is also required. If an animal develops the physical prowess but still lacks the temperament to stay still, it may prove hazardous consequences for nearby people or animals.

To improve the living conditions of pets we can use accessories like clothes, handbags, designer collars, so on and forth. Clothes will shelter the animal, carriers will keep them safe and comfortable, attached to its master, beds will give them undisturbed sleep and such a lifestyle will enhance our doggy's lifestyle with luxury.


It can very well be said that one's preparation for spring with his/her pet can best be achieved through such accessories. Playtime will be fun, napping will be comfortable and roaming around with the pet will not only be exciting but also attractive. Hence dogs will remain healthy, be at peace and grow up to be one intelligent creature.

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Sharon Jones is a pet lover and is passionate towards writing articles related to puppy products. Through her writings, she tries to discover new puppy boutiques dog products and accessories. Follow her articles and get the new fashion products for your loving puppy.

Article Source: EzineArticles

Know the Tips to Get Rid Of Those Dog Hairs

For all those people that have such unfaltering love for dogs, you know that dog hair has the habit of getting everywhere. It might get stuck on your carpets or cling on to the sofa cover or maybe get scattered all over the drapes. It can be a real nuisance to clean these hairs off these places and a lot of patience and care is required if you want to clean it off completely.

Here are a few tips you can refer to in order to get rid of those stubborn dog hairs that is giving you a really hard time, some of these common tips are sure to help you:


You want to know the best friend you can have during cleaning processes such as these? They are none other than blankets and covers. Be it covering your furniture's or TV sets, cover them as much as possible when they are not being used with covers because they help a great deal in keeping the fur off them. You can just toss these blankets to get washed once a week and lay them back, this is much easier than cleaning an entire bare couch altogether. Hence use this tip for a more effective way of being away from the fur problem.


Do you have one of those pets who are just the kind that keeps roaming all around the house and gets its fur stuck to every piece of furniture? Are you one of those who are just fed up of jerking off these hairs off your clothes before stepping out of the house? Then now is the time you get hold of some dyer sheets, trust me you will never regret losing them because they work like magic in picking up those hairs. Be it around furniture's or some floor corners, making use of a slightly dampened dyer sheet will give you the effect.


When you are using the vacuum to get rid of the dirt, try a new trick and that is using some alternate directions to pick more and more pet hairs more effectively. This trick actually works and is sure to help you in the cleaning process. You just need to keep one fact in mind and that is freeing your vacuum once in a while and always keeping a check on the filters, if your filter is not cleaned time and again, it might hinder a smooth functioning of the vacuum.

Article Source: EzineArticles

Make Your Dog Intelligent With Specifically Designed Dog Toys

Being a pet owner, it is essential to understand the benefits of the full intellectual development of your dog. Toys especially designed for dogs can prove really valuable for their mental stimulation. Your dog could easily get over from its boredom and loneliness and keep itself occupied in a positive way with toys. Needless to say that an occupied mind makes a happy and healthy dog.

Extensive research has been conducted in the field of animal psychology and the current array of dog toys available in the market are the result of this research work. Following are the crucial aspects that are taken into consideration while building toys for dogs-

Mood & Temperament
They are created to serve a specific purpose. They can aid the fundamental development of your pet in an interactive way and make the bonding between you and your beloved pet even stronger.

Since the beginning of the civilization, toys have been used in an effective way to impart education with fun for humans. This technique has been followed by our generation for the 360 degree mental and physical reinforcement of dogs. Dog toys will not only make the learning exciting but also unforgettable. According to the animal research experts, once an animal learns something through fun, he/she will never forget it for the rest of his/her life. Dog toys can be divided into various categories, take a look at them-

Training Toys: By utilizing training toys, you can turn exercise sessions with your dog into fun and games. They are far better than food-only training toys that can heavily increase the body weight of your dog in an unnatural way. Kong Company, Go Dog Go, Tug-N-Treats and other are some of the popular training toys.
Dog Toy Puzzles: Just as human beings, dogs love puzzle toys. By unlocking the puzzles and solving various challenges will help your dog to become more intelligent and smart. Hide-A-Squirrel, KONG Classic, Hide-and-Slide Puzzle are some of the best-known puzzle toys you can have for your dog.
Active Toys: A supremely active dog is less prone to disease. Tug toys, chew toys, fetch toys are different types of toys that can immensely help your dog to remain healthy by offering various types of activity scopes.
Comfort Toys: Comfort toys can keep your dog cozy while sleeping. Flopper duck, floppet are the types of toys that can make your dog feel comfortable.
Dog toys available on the online stores will not only make your pet fit and agile but also discourage bad behavior. Their use will have a positive effect on them and reduces the risk your puppy will chew on your new shoes. They are specifically designed to make better interaction with humans through playing.

Final Thought-

Do keep in mind that dogs enjoy most when their owners get involved and participate in the game. A dog toy will not prove effective and useful if there isn't someone on the other side.

Rony Sneijder is an avid dog lover and a prolific blogger on pet grooming. He is renowned for offering informative information on the useful aspects of different types of toys for dogs.

Article Source: EzineArticles

Planning To Buy a Designer Pet Product

Pets are the best possible friends we humans can have and bring sheer joy into our lives. As pet owners, it is our responsibility to ensure that they lead an active, healthy and happy life. Whatever the type of pet you have an adorable pooch, a tabby, or even rodents or reptiles it is essential to find the right products and supplies that will be suited to your pet's needs.

The good news is that owners now have access online to a wide variety of products, which can help them to indulge and pamper their pets while ensuring they stay stylish and trendy like their owners.

Pamper them with Pet Supplies:

There are a wide variety of supplies, which you can choose from. When buying a product for your beloved cost has to come second to benefits derived from the product. From vitamins to shampoos, there are plenty of designer pet products to shop for online. What matters is the brand of the company and the quality of products on offer.

Pet Toys:

There are a wide variety of toys available especially for dogs. When choosing a toy for your dog you need to consider the size to ensure it is safe for your dog to play with. Also, the quality of material used has to be carefully considered. It should be big enough so that it cannot be swallowed and allow the pet to get a good grip on. For pets that are heavy chewers, nylon and hard rubber toys are the best, with vinyl and latex best for lighter chewers. Plush toys are only meant for the pet to snuggle up against when sleeping.

When there are telltale signs of wear and tear on the toys it is time to replace them

Collars and Leashes:

When opting for a collar or leash it should suit the size and weight of the pet. Placing a heavy collar on a thin pet will cause discomfort to the pet when it is tugged. It will also be heavy and unwieldy for the pet, who will be discomforted by it. The best option in pet collars is nylon which is light and sturdy and does not wear or tear easily.

They are easy to maintain and are washable as well. Leashes are available in a variety of materials like cloth, leather, and nylon and also come in retractable styles. The benefit of having a retractable leash is that it offers greater roaming space for the pet. The owner can also lock the retractable mechanism if the need arises.

Pet Food and Treats

Whenever you plan to buy and food or treats you need to be aware of the pet's dietary requirements. Growing pets need food and other edible items that have the correct proportions of minerals and vitamins. Those that rear sports and working breeds of pets will need food that sustains their high energy requirements. Older pets need food with fewer calories to ensure they do not become obese.

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Sharon Jones is a pet lover and is passionate towards writing articles related to puppy products. Through her writings, she tries to discover new puppy boutiques dog products and accessories. Follow her articles and get the new fashion products for your loving puppy.

Article Source: EzineArticles

Keep Your Dogs Warm In Winter

The jury seems to be still out on there, whether dogs need to have clothing! Some people scoff at the idea of seeing their pooch all dressed up in clothes, while other pet owners who have witnessed seeing their dogs shiver in cold winter temperatures, hesitate to clothe them, thinking that it will appear odd.

The fact is that if you a dog and are concerned about the cold winters in your area, it is perfectly fine to get your dog clothes.

For those who are still undecided about it, dogs do have their own layer of natural clothing in the form of a coat of hair. However, certain breeds have a lighter and thinner coat than other breeds, which may not be suited to extremely cold temperatures. If you have such a dog that is better suited to warm temperate climate than extremely cold winters where you live, it would only be prudent to have it clothed when outdoors.

Getting dog clothes in winter

Getting a jacket or sweater for your pet can be a big help in extremely cold winters, more so if your dog is not too keen to go outdoors to relieve himself in the cold. Also if you keep the internal heating mechanism at low temperatures, and need sweaters, jackets or blankets to stay warm indoors for human occupants, then so will you need warm dog clothes.

The ability of a dog to keep itself warm naturally depends on factors like breed, age, and size. If the dog does not have a heavy coat of hair, even curling up will not help him much to conserve body heat. Toy breeds, light-bodied breeds, and smaller dogs generally have a short or thin coat of hair and need to wear a warm piece of clothing when they go outdoors or even when within the house in winter. Putting on a sweater or jacket can make all the difference in keeping your dog cozy and healthy in cold winters.

The thing to bear in mind is that just having thin, short hair alone does not qualify for the dog to warm protective clothing in winter. Those dogs that have they're groomed short, like poodles, may originally have a thick coat of hair, which the pet owner may decide to trim to prevent it from matting. These dogs also need to be given warm clothing to protect them from the cold weather. Aging dogs tend to have a weaker immune system and those pets that have ailments like hypothyroidism, Cushing's disease etc. also need an extra source of external clothing to keep them warm and healthy in cold winters.

On the other hand, dogs that have a dense coat of hair do not need any extra insulation to protect them from the cold. Clothing them would make them very uncomfortable and increase the risk of their bodies overheating. Their natural coat of fur protects them from very cold temperatures. The bottom line is that the decision to clothe you dog would depend on the winter temperatures, breed, the physical condition of the pet and age.

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Sharon Jones is a pet lover and is passionate towards writing articles related to puppy products. Through her writings, she tries to discover new puppy boutiques dog products and accessories. Follow her articles and get the new fashion products for your loving puppy

Article Source: EzineArticles

What You Need To Know About Bully Sticks

Dogs make some of the best pets and companions. Dog treats keep them happy and healthy too, depending on the kind of treat you choose for your dog. Some of the most popular treats available for dogs include tendons, chicken jerky and bully sticks. The bully sticks are some of the most popular and they offer loads of benefits to dogs, including boosting their physical health and improving dental hygiene. This is because they are high in protein and low in fats. But for your dog to enjoy these benefits you must of course, choose sticks made from high quality ingredients.

The good thing about bully sticks is that they are suitable for all kinds of dogs and for any given age. They make great treats in reducing tartar and plaque and at the same time make very good entertainment tools for the dogs considering that they love chewing. When you choose bully sticks, you will be offering your dog all these benefits and at the same time high quality protein that is great for their health. They are completely digestible and this means that even the pups with sensitive stomachs can chew on them without any worries.

The sticks are usually made of beef making them pretty high in protein. Whereas they are very good for the health of your dog, you also want to endure that you do not end up over giving the dogs since it can lead to obesity of even cause diarrhea. Choose high quality sticks, but create a reasonable schedule of treating your dog to get well balanced results. Check the ingredients when buying them sticks just so you are sure of their quality and nutritional value.

Whereas the bully sticks make very good and fun teeth cleaning tools for the dogs and can help in preventing cavities and other dental issues, it is important to remember that your dog will still need proper mouth hygiene practices. Do not therefore ignore cleaning and brushing your dog's teeth even if they are enjoying teeth cleaning benefits from the bully sticks.

When it comes to toughness, the sticks can vary one brand to another. Thicker sticks make very good choices for strong chewers. Tougher sticks are usually roasted for longer periods and can come in diameters that are larger so they offer satiety to your aggressive chopper. The sticks also come in different shapes with the most common being braided, straight, filled and curly sticks. When buying consider getting the curly sticks for smaller dog breeds and the intertwined ones for dogs with more teeth cleaning needs because they are stronger in terms of resistance to wear.

When it comes to flavor, smoked bully sticks are less smelly. But you can still find decadent ones that some people prefer. Fillers usually have artificial ingredients that can add to the flavors, but most sticks will be hollow and straight offering chewing fun for the pups. You may want to take all considerations to select the best bully sticks for your dog.

Bully sticks make some of the best treats for dogs. To get the best, go through all the sticks options and relate to your dog and its needs. There is definitely something good for any type of dog at any age.

Article Source: EzineArticles

When Your Dog Is Off His Food

It can be a worrying time for any pet owner when their dog is not eating right. It can mean a number of different problems and above all, it usually means their beloved pet is not well and potentially could be very ill. Of course, as with any concern to do with your dog, you should consult a vet, especially if they cease to eat properly. The following is an overview of some of the potential causes that put a dog off his food.

Nausea / belly pain.

Any type of sick feeling or even gassy pain will cause a dog to not eat, just as in a human. They may feel bloated, or they may have eaten something outside that has not agreed with them. This may pass with time, as usual nausea, thus regaining their appetite for the next meal. However sometimes it does not pass and that may be the time to call a vet. It could be a number of internal problems, from kidney or liver problems or an ulcer that causes them pain. A vet will be able to tell you.

Sore Throat.

A sore throat can be caused from a sharp piece of food that they have swallowed and therefore cut the lining of their esophagus. Even a minor cut can cause pain when swallowing thereafter, and so your dog may be off his food temporarily because of that. If you have reason to suspect this, give him access to plenty of water to drink.


Your dog might be suffering from a blockage, either from food or from a foreign object such as a ball or other small object that he may have swallowed. While these things often get down the throat easily enough, they can become lodged in the intestines and may even need surgery to remove. You will begin to notice that not only does your dog stop eating, but he stops going to the bathroom as well. This may be a good indicator as to the fact he has something lodged. He will most probably show signs of stomach ache as well because of this and will certainly need veterinary assistance.

Finding other food.

Your dog may also be off his food because he has found another source of food. It might be that he is rummaging through garbage and eating scraps, or it may be that he is running off and someone who has come across him has begun to feed him. If your suspect this, then you can attach a note to his collar and tag, requesting that no one feed him because he is leaving he dinner at home. If your dog is rummaging and scavenging, you might want to consider restraining him or keeping him enclosed in your yard thus avoiding his dining out!

While these are some reasons that your dog could be off his food, there are many other potential causes too. If you are unsure you should always consult a vet and have your dog seen in case it is anything serious. Never ignore any changes in your dogs eating behaviors.

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4 Poisonous Foods for Dogs

Despite having immensely strong stomachs that can usually tackle something dragged out of a garbage can, there are a lot of things that are toxic to a dog and even potentially lethal if consumed. Many of them are not just human foods, but things that appear around your house that you would not normally expect a dog to eat. The following is a list of things that you should try to keep secure or away from your dog.

Human Foods

While dogs can take on a lot of human foods and digest them fine, there are some that they should not eat. These include, chocolate, onions, certain grains, garlic, alcohol, and some are cautious about feeding pork, among other foods. Certain foods contain chemicals (such as theobromine in chocolate) and acidic qualities like in the onions that can cause problems from gas and indigestion all the way to the liver and pancreatic problems. While a very small amount won't necessarily kill your dog, it doesn't do him any good, so it is best to try to secure these items and others from him.


Of course, any drug can be dangerous for dogs. As with children who don't know any better, a dog can get into medications if they are left out or if they are thrown into the trash. Some dogs may just be chewing on the bottle when it breaks and so they accidentally swallow some. Always keep medications, even as much as antacids and children's medicine, locked safely in a high cabinet that is out of reach.


Many household plants and shrubs are poisonous to dogs as well. Canines will sometimes munch on the greenery as they do grass outside, in an attempt to settle their stomachs. But some of these plants have toxins that can cause sickness in dogs. The most common plants include ferns, daffodil bulbs, lilies, and dracaena. There are also certain garden plants that may be growing outside that can harm them, such as Ivy/vines, Yew, Foxgloves, Onion, and Tomato plants among many others. It is a good idea to read up on what can potentially harm your dog.

Household cleaners

You wouldn't normally expect your dog to get into your household cleaners, but with the brightly colored plastic bottle and the fact they are kept in a low cupboard under the sink, your dog could mistake them for toys and start to play and chew. Anything containing chemicals is harmful, especially bleach and anything like drain cleaner or oven cleaner are lethal. If you suspect your dog has been playing with anything (telltale sign would be tooth marks on the bottle) you must call a vet and animal poison control for advice and help. It can mean the difference in his life when it comes to domestic cleaners.

Dogs, like children, can get into trouble easily, and they will usually find anything that you didn't want them too! Therefore, you must always dog-proof your house before getting a dog and just practice common sense from there on, by keeping things safe and secure and out of paws-reach! However, even then they can still get into mischief and swallow something they shouldn't so always be aware.

Article Source: EzineArticles

An Overview Of Bone Cancer In Dogs

Bone cancer in dogs is recognized as "Osteosarcoma". Any dog can become the victim of this deadly disease. Although many theories have been presented in order to explain the cause of cancer, yet the real cause has not been determined so far. This type of cancer usually occurs in a dog's ankle, hip, shoulder bones, skull, ribs or spine.

The tumor weakens the bone to the point that it can break easily while jumping or even running. It goes without saying that this type of cancer is very aggressive in nature. The best strategy against this vicious disease is awareness amongst the dog owners about it. Secondly, early diagnosis is very crucial. Only timely treatment can save the poor dog.


The original cause of Osteosarcoma is still unknown yet there are a few factors which may contribute to trigger this disease. Diet always plays a crucial role in determining the health of any animal. Exposure to carcinogenic chemicals, past bone injuries and sex hormones are thought to contribute in triggering the disease.


The most important and common sign of osteosarcoma is frailty and weakness. The weakness spells will continue to occur despite rest and good care. You might spot swelling in the affected leg too. If the cancer has affected the lower jaw, then your dog will show signs of uneasiness in swallowing. These symptoms shouldn't be considered cancer signs, but one can get clue form these and get an appointment from the veterinarian to ensure the health of the dog.


The basic and most important tests are histopathology and radiography to diagnose osteosarcoma. Bone biopsy poses risks as it can cause damage to the already fragile cancerous bone. It is a painful process as dogs show signs of increased weakness and exhaustion after the procedure.

The diagnosis process also involves blood tests in order to determine the scale and intensity of the disease.


Osteosarcoma is being treated with an aggressive treatment because the cancer itself is very aggressive in nature.

The purpose of radiation therapy is to provide relief to pain rather than curing the cancer. It helps in minimizing the symptoms when used in conjunction with pain medications. The procedure involves anesthesia, which may pose some risks to the dog.

Radiation may also cause hair loss, skin redness and dryness, where the radiation has been applied. The veterinarian may suggest to apply a tube to the affected area, and symptoms will vanish.

Three different types of treatments are also applied to eradicate bone cancer in dogs from its roots. It includes surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Although the tumor may be removed completely yet the affected leg remains vulnerable and can break while doing normal activities. So, amputation is also considered a better option as it is less painful procedure where recovery is quite quick.

Amputation saves the dog from a lot of pain and increases the chances of survival manifold. Most dog owners consider it brutal. They forget that it is in the best interest of their dog who will not only recover faster, but also will be able to play around without any difficulty. Amputations in humans hold different meanings than dogs. The dog won't feel the same way as humans feel after losing a limb.


· Dogs should be helped to walk in order to improve recovery.

· Wounds should be checked regularly in order to see any signs of infection.

· In case of swelling or redness, immediately report to the vet.

· Follow the diet plan which has been prescribed by the vet.

Article Source: EzineArticle

How Dog Commands Make Your Dog Disciplined & Well-Behaved

Thousands of years ago human beings have formed a special bonding with an animal and that animal is a dog. It is said that humans started to raise puppies well before they raised chickens and kittens or herded goats and cows. Dogs were the first domesticated animals and considered an important member of our society. The jawbone of a dog found in the cave of Iraq around twelve thousand years ago was the earliest evidence of a domesticated dog. This was towards the end of the Mesolithic period and the start of the Neolithic. Dogs are often considered as the catalyst for our civilization.

How dogs have become an important part of our life-

From the primitive time till the modern age, dogs have become an important part of our life. Most of us do not consider them just another animal but rather a member of our family. They are cute, they are loveable and they are highly faithful. This is the only animal that has significantly influenced our lives. They act as our loyal friend with whom you can share everything and spend fabulous time together. Our pet dogs make us feel wanted.

They have amazing ability to protect us, guide us to our way and even conduct the rescue work in deadly situations. The companionship they offer is truly priceless. It is said that their loyalty and love are incomparable and not even humans can offer that level of trust and pure affection.

Findings are offering a strong suggestion that the social support a pet dog gives can a make people (especially older persons) to feel more relax and happy. Owning a dog is a vital source of social support that enhances well-being and overall health of a person. We can learn many substantial virtues from our beloved canine. They can teach us a lot of things with their behavior.

Dogs give a sense of security for the human. They are employed by the police organizations and security agencies to sniff out explosives and bend substances in the public places such as airports, railways stations, hotels and large public venues.

They can be a comfort to people who are feeling lonely or depressed. Playing with your pup can help you to release anxiety and you could feel more calm and tranquil. People may come and walk out of your life but your pet dog will never ever abandon you. They will remain faithful to you for the rest of their life or for the rest of your life.

How essential dog commands can make the bonding with your pet even more stronger-

If your dog has the knowledge about a few important commands, it will help you to gain better control over your pet and your dog will become more obedient and disciplined. Below, we've highlighted the basic dog commands that all pet owner should teach to their dog.

Command "Sit"- This is the primary command that you should teach to your dog. And the best thing is it is the perhaps the easiest of things you can teach to your dog. By training your dog to sit, you can prevent him from jumping and making chaos.

Get down in front of your puppy, holding a treat as a lure

Move the treat in front of its nose
Move your hand up, allowing his head to follow the treat and causing his bottom to lower
As soon as your dog's buttock touches the ground, offer him the treat and repeat the move
Command "Come"- As the name suggests, this command will take your puppy to you. It is important that your dog responds positively to this command as it helps to prevent fatal accidents.
Put a leash to your dog's collar and let him drag it around
The moment it goes away, shout Come and pull the leash towards yourself
When it comes to you give him your love
Command "Wait"- This command helps your pet to dangerously run in front of a speeding car or bolting out of a door.
First make him sit
Then gradually go away from it
The moment he starts following you prevent him by saying wait
Command "Leave it"- To prevent your dog fetching or grabbing something they should not, leave it command could prove really helpful. The leave it command tells the dog it's not for him.
Keep a luring object in both of your hands
Put one of your hands close to your dog's face have him smell the bait
Initially the dog will lick and smell the treat and possibly bark to have it but don't give it to him and order "leave it"
Repeating the move will dissuade him and he will start responding to your order
The best possible way to train your dog is by playing with him. Dog commands are intended to keep your dog safe and well-behaved. To make it respond to the difficult commands, it is suggested to seek assistance from the professionals.

Article Source: EzineArticles

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Waves And Particles Of Unconditional Love

The unconditional love experiment belongs to the domain of Metaphysical Science and is subject to the laws of consciousness. It is subjectively scientific and only we can objectively demonstrate if it works in our daily lives. The thinking model that states that every intention is manifestation, works on a level of creation that realizes the vibration of the possibility by extrapolating it from the unified field; it is therefore different from that of cause and effect that circulates on the infinite plane of apparent consequential.

Everything and every event happen within the subjective field of consciousness of each individual; a field that creates a personal universe of private perception of reality, which can consequently be both consequential and quantum, depending on where we want to place ourselves and how we decide to unbalance our balance. It is always and only on us to choose the limited or the unlimited, to assume that everything is created by consciousness and nothing is outside it, or inventing an external observer to manifest an objective reality with all its intrinsic limitations.

To escape the trap of limiting beliefs that build and affect the dual reality of cause and effect, we must step outside it and plunge ourselves into the formless or unconditional awareness where the risk of corrupting the experiment with unstable and fragmented data does not exist. There is no way to remove consciousness from consciousness; consciousness is always present when it's there, because consciousness is the present and there is no way to experience any subjective experience objectively. Attempting to do so is, by its nature, a paradox of consciousness, which manifests itself unequivocally within consciousness. There is no separation between a reality model and the other because we are always who we are, no matter what we choose to use.

Particle physics helps us to easily understand this existential dynamics. It states that all probabilities are energy waves of the quantum field until they collapse and become concrete, becoming particles. Likewise, our intention, the unconditional love, remains a quantum field's probability until it collapses and becomes measurable, as an infinite feeling for everything and everyone, and at that point triggers the cause and effect process. At the time of collapse, the wave becomes particle, but it is the same thing as the caterpillar, the chrysalis, and the butterfly.

Changing the point of view apparently changes the reality of things. Unconditional love already exists as a wave of the quantum field; it is only about changing the point of view and collapsing it. What causes the wave to collapse is the stability of the intent, the absolute certainty that the fact has already happened and is simply manifesting itself in us now, or at its perfect time, on the basis of how free is the path from our negativity, how green are the traffic lights of our absence of doubts and also how much conscious contribution of positive intention we receive from those who participate as we experiment.

When the opportunity is expressed to express our intention, the turning point is our action on it, synchronous with the speed of the wave. Here, is where collapse occurs; the intent turns into reality and begins the whole apparent chain of causality, the Big Bang of our unconditional love that opens in a conscious act of evolutionary will. The intention, which can unrealistically appear as the first cause and detonator of the new universe, is actually always present and floating like a wave, it simply changes shape and becomes what we are now, with our absolutely firm intention and our unconditional love which enters and is consolidated, easy and relaxed, healthy and positive, at the time perfect, in our heart, for the highest good of all, everyone and everything that makes up our life and the one of who, consciously or not, participates in this intention.

Dr. Andrea Scarsi (Sandesh) is a meditator, mystic, and metaphysician devoting his life to sharing the supreme understanding through direct teaching and books he writes on the subject of spirituality. He loves traveling, and lived for long periods in India and the Buddhist Southeast Asia. Through the years, he studied and deepened different meditation techniques, for awakening consciousness, energy balancing, and personal evolution, which he practices and teaches. Doctor of Metaphysical Science, he's the author of several books on spirituality and subjects dear to his heart. He resides between in the mainland of Venice, Italy, and Goa, India, moving around the world when invited or following a universal call. You can check out one of his webpages at: Books by Dr. Andrea Scarsi, where he indicates simple and everyday's ways to come in touch with your inner self.

Article Source: EzineArticles

What A Night

In researching the recess of my memory it was in the spring of '83 that I experienced what The Four Seasons sang about in their hit "Oh! What A Night" When in the opening lyrics of that hit instead of back in December of '63 Oh! what a night for me was that night back in '83. That night especially was a very special time for me. And, as the lyrics go as I remember what a night it was for me. I didn't even know her name when she waltzed up to the bar at the Gold Room. I knew then things were never going to be the same. What a lady and what a night it turned out to be.

For all things that happen in life there are a few instances when a chance encounter abruptly changes the direction of ones life. Was it love at first sight or was just a passing fling? I got a feeling when she walked into the room. But, when she walked up to that bar I knew right then I would never be the same. The infectious smile as she turned toward me completely mesmerized me. It was like I was in a trance. All I could do when she walked up to me was realize she was everything I dreamed she'd be. And as the lyrics go "Sweet surrender what a night. I felt a rush like a rollin' ball of thunder spinning my head around taking my body under."

Her smile was immediate as we both caught each others eye. Out of the blue I offered to pay for the drinks she was ordering for her friends. Right then and there it seemed so right. What a lady and what a night it really turned out to be. As I recall that night ended much too soon. Through-out that night we danced so close her breath was intoxicating so warm and sweet. But, as last call came around we knew our lives were never going to be the same.

As she left a sweet sensation swept all over me. Latter that night as I drifted off to sleep she was all I could think of. What a lady and what a night it really was for her and for me. By early next morning the rush of passion never did subside. Eagerly I called to again here her sweet voice. And, by the following weekend I was welcomed into an extended family knowing that our lives would be forever changed. That sparkle in her eyes when we first met never did waver, never did dim.

For over four years through the good and the bad the love that we shared came to a tragic end. I knew from the beginning that I may have come into her life just a little too late to ease the burden of an uneasy life. As the illness progressed I knew that all good things must end. Now, some 30 years latter after her passing the lessons of her life that she passed on to me has stayed as fresh as the days we were together. Through-out all these years she is the one that shaped the person I came to be. The ease of her demure, her gentle ways eased the roughness of my uncharacteristic ways. So that now I had mellowed to the point where anger is tempered. All because of the love that she gave to me.

As her children are all grown now with kids and grad kids of their own it is only fitting to keep alive the memory of what a lady and what a first night it was for me. Remembering back it was such an a thrill to have experienced a once in a lifetime romance that blossomed out of a chance meeting in what is always remembered as what a lady and what a night it really turned out to be.

Article Source: EzineArticles

Ways To Keep The Romance Alive

By keeping the romance alive in a relationship, you can ensure that your relationship passes the test of time and sees through even the most troublesome situations. Valentine's Day is the day to celebrate romance, but true romance lasts all through the year!

Let's now run through some ways which would work towards making you feel that you just started the relationship afresh!


From the break of dawn right to the twilight, innumerable opportunities to express ourselves come across our ways - why not make it a point to make the most of them?

Some nonverbal cues would express your love for your partner. Or you could go ahead with the combination of a wink, kiss and a smile!


When you do something special for your partner, it would make his/her day! A fine idea in this regard is leaving a note on the fridge or the shower.

You could go for a sexy voicemail! You could send a card to work.

Consider breakfast in bed or flowers. Maybe a singing telegram to work!


When a relationship is young, there is some anxiety about your relationship with your new partner and some excitement as well. This takes the top priority in your life.

As the urgency leaves, we develop a sense of monotony and some complacency sets in. We tend to slip into our comfort zone.

So it becomes more difficult to find time for your partner, especially as one could be busy with his work, one might be taking care of his family or one could be feeling exhausted.

But a relationship is like a plant. It needs to be nurtured with love and figuring out some time together is essentially important!

So why not go ahead and make sure that you schedule some time, just for the both of you, every week! You may choose to check out a new movie or dine out. Maybe spend more time making a conversation or cook together. You could lie together on the couch - just focus on making each other a priority.


Choose to find time to run through some brochures or websites which offer a dream getaway in your vicinity. You may plan to visit in the future!


If one partner does all the planning and organizing, one might over time feel that the other partner is not enjoying it all that much!


The monotony which sets in with the passage of time could add a shade of dullness in your relationship. But there are ways to overcome this monotony.

When you start doing new things together, it releases oxytocin, a feel good hormone in the brain. So why not plan trip together, or every once in a while, you could take a day off to be with one another.


Be inventive and set the imagination running. Stare at the moon, for instance? Maybe throw a themed party?


Making conversation is just about one of the best ways to form a connection which is deep and meaningful. There are a thousand things about you that your partner wouldn't know. Discuss your favorite things, and also dreams and passions.

Article Source: EzineArticles

In Love, But Not With Me

Do you dare crave what you cannot have? How do you deter dreams of someone that keeps visiting your heart? No matter how hard you try to resist them it only makes you love them more. Not seeing them is like mourning a death. Leaving you feeling empty and struggling to bounce back. Surely they will love you the same someday. But what if they don't? No promises have been exchanged between you but hope isn't relinquished. You want them so much that you wish you could suck up every hour of their day. When they demand their space you wish you could cry foul but honestly they never led you on. You do whatever it takes to keep them in your presence trying to encourage love from someone that considers you just a friend. You are not winning the battle to obtain their heart because it was never an option. How is it that someone can be just perfect for another but they will never find that out? Trying to close the door on one-sided love is a powerful feat to overcome. It can turn you into an emotional mess.

The mind is tricky and has a tendency to make us believe that everything the person we love do is exceptional. Everything they do is blown up on a monumental level. No one can talk you out of the fact that they are just ordinary people doing ordinary things. Nothing more, nothing less.

Love is the highlight of most people's life. So how in the world could it let two people that should be together down? Blind folding them so they will never get a chance to see how beautiful a relationship between them could be. Instead the one that has so much to lose emotionally is left with a tear stained pillow whispering in the wee hours of the night about their loved and lost story. Obviously in time the deep felt heartache will lessen. But that's no consolation when you're going through the storm. Love is hard to give up on. But sometimes you have to wave the white flag when hope has become dismal.

Facing facts is sometimes brutal, but denial will only hold you prisoner. If there's no indication that love is in the equation stop crying over self imposed pain. People don't choose love, love chooses them. Just because you can see a happily ever after doesn't someone else can see the same vision. We all wish we can end up with the one that floats our boat, but the chance of that happening could be slim to none. The sensible thing to do would be to recognize a no win situation and put that time and energy into someone that has your best interest at heart. So please don't hold your heart hostage set it free. Never sit around waiting on someone that never asked you to. Love must be mutual or it will not work. Unfortunately people down through the years have sadly confessed, "I was in love with them, but they weren't with me."

Article Source: EzineArticles

Should You Wait to Express Your Love for Valentine's Day?

Just imagine, you are in the middle of the year, say June and you have fallen in love with a close friend or a colleague. Wouldn't you wish that June was February and race through the timeline of your life to reach the special day?

Well, do you believe in falling in love with the same person umpteen number of times?

That's really a great feeling, after all. Love sprouts from the depths of your heart, can you restrict it in terms of time, date and the formalities of a calendar? Well, 14th February is just another date that comes with a sweet message-love him or love her.

Welcome to the sweet sensations that tinkle your emotions. Love does not call for a special day or a long-awaited date. It is a process, a timeless process that lives on spontaneity and mutual trust. In reality, you need not wait for the Valentine's Day to come down the calendar and provide you with the all-important moment to propose him or her. Yes, it is a day to celebrate your love, have a close time and fall in love just once again! But you need not wait for the day to express your love.

Valentine's Day provides us with social pleasure. When it comes to true love, time escapes fast! Never make the mistake of delaying your expressions. By the time 14th February comes creeping at your doorstep, it may be too late or your partner may have changed the channels. Maybe he or she will be reserved for the rest of the life!

Although people all over the world have grand plans for celebrating this day, these are all formalities of love. When you feel the love erupting from the core of your heart, feel free to express it to your partner. After all, love is not a by-product of life, meant to be served on an auspicious day in a palatable manner.

Well, celebrating your love once in a year might give your partner a different feeling. It's just like waking up in the middle of a slumber and falling asleep for another year. Do you wake up to love him or her for just one day in a year?

Well, your partner may want you to propose him or her on that day. So, even if you have expressed your love earlier, make your partner feel the warmth. Tell him or her how deeply you love her and cherish the memories you have in snapshots. You may visit the same place where you first met or proposed him or her. Enjoy the old nostalgia in a new way and feel the warmth of love on valentine's day.

To be simple and clear, if you love someone, be straight and outright. Do not waste your precious time waiting for the day to come. If you love truly, you can make a Valentine's Day out every day in a year. In turn, you can reserve 14th February for a special date without any planning. Let it be the day for an unplanned outing by default.

Article Source: EzineArticles

Love Through Time

"He felt now that he was not simply close to her, but that he did not know where he ended and she began." -Leo Tolstoy.

I agree that most things said about love are true. Whether by writer or doctor, artist or lawyer, beloved or not... Everything is true; at least, for someone.

After all, we all have different perspectives and beliefs.

When talking about love there is no exception, if anything; love is the one thing that is as vast as the world itself, as the ocean and the air, the atmosphere and beyond.

But what causes love? Does the cause-effect phenomenon apply to it too? Could it be that love is the cause for love itself?

But then, it doesn't make any sense to try to detect which one is the cause and which one the effect since you can't know when or where one begins and one ends. It doesn't make any sense to try to figure out how to find it if it's what you have.

If you give it, it's because you have it.

But you have it because you give it... or you give it because you have it?

Maybe that's the magic about love. It's never-ending.

It's like the sea stretching through the horizon. The water melts with the sky at the sunrise and at the sunset. You can't know for sure where the water ends and the sky begins. The sun is the only factor that can tell you where you stand, at the set or the rise.

"We picture love as heart-shaped because we do not know the shape of the soul." -Robert Brault.

True or false?

I pick true.

What does a soul look like? Does it have a shape for instance? And the heart? Who says love comes from the heart? And who says the mind is in the brain? Science doesn't. Aren't people always whining about anything that science doesn't state is not true?

Nervous impulses come from the brain, and blood comes from the heart, that we are sure of. But love? Where do feelings come from?

I suppose imagining love like a heart is the closest thing we can do to shape it.

But what if it came from all of ourselves? What if it was in every part of our being, of our body, in every cell? And what if it was the same with our mind and with our soul? Or better yet, what if all those things expanded even beyond our bodies, what if they were limitless and without an end?

What if?

And then I wonder, why do human beings always need to shape things? To give them a form we can understand?

One thing is clear to me.

We are awfully scared of even having the idea of something we don't understand, something shapeless, something we still have got to learn, something we don't really know the answer to that we choose to give those unknown things some shape that we can relate to the way we see the world. And yet, giving something a particular shape won't always make us understand it and that's where fear steps in and fear leads to hate, more often than not.

Maybe that's why we need to have an explanation for everything.

Maybe that's why we shape love. And God. And evil. And, truth be told, every little thing that comes into our lives that we don't understand.

We just have to give everything an explanation always, right?

And again I prove the point that men fear what they do not understand.

We always have, I only hope that we won't always will.

I wonder what happens when someone fearless comes around? Maybe they got it best. Maybe they're the ones who get to actually understand life in the end and to live it fully.

But then again, you don't really have to be fearless. You just have to be brave.

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." -Ambrose Redmoon.

I think we should all remember that next time we're afraid of something, and for most people, that is every day.

But being afraid doesn't mean we're not brave.

I think each of us decides who we want to be, the hero or the coward.

As with everything in life, it's our choice.

"A bell is no bell 'til you ring it,

A song is no song 'til you sing it,

And love in your heart

Wasn't put there to stay

Love isn't love

'Til you give it away."

-Oscar Hammerstein, Sound of Music, "You Are Sixteen (Reprise)"


What can you do with love if you have it but to give it away? If you make your heart a cage for love to stay it will only fade away. But if you set it free to fly and to be, then it will always return to you, stronger and lovelier.

If you don't believe it... try it.

See for yourself... But there's a little trick... the secret of life.

Turns out 20/20 vision isn't really that useful, so I've heard and so I've learned...

"And now here's my secret, a very simple secret; it is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye." -Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

That I know to be true.

When have your eyes warned you about falling? Maybe lots of times but... When have your eyes warned you, prevent you from falling in love?

Your eyes can tell you: Hey, watch out! There's a hole in the ground! Don't fall!

But I've never known someone whose eyes can actually say: Hey, dude! Be careful! There's love! Don't get near it or you will fall really hard!

No. If anything, you might think it is not such a good idea. Maybe because you've been hurt before so you are really trying to take more precautions from now on. Maybe you actually think it is better to shut every part of yourself to other people, including your heart, especially your heart, so that you won't feel pain.

But then, you will surely miss out on many things in life because, believe it or not, your eyes can't possibly be right of what they're seeing since they only see the surface.

It's like the ocean, again. You can see the surface. You can see the water and the waves. You can avoid the waves from hitting you by not standing too close. You can sigh at the wonderful sight of the dark water sparkling with the reflection of the silver moon in the night and marvel at the beautiful colors the water takes when the sun sets or rises. That's true.

You can see many wonders and avoid many dangers by keeping a safe distance from the ocean. But, if so, you will never really know what is happening below the surface, where it matters the most. How is life developing down there? What's moving and what is stirring? What magnificent sights and experiences may be waiting for you underwater? You can't know unless you dive in.

It's the same with love and we're curious enough to dive in. I promise that. At least, once in a while.

"You don't have to go looking for love when it's where you come from."

-Werner Erhard.

Exactly. That's it. You come from love, believe it or not. But may I tell you something? You live happier believing you do.

And whatever you believe in, will become true.

If you believe it all the way through and through, it will come true. At least for you.

And really, who else do you need it to believe it?

"We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love." -Tom Robbins.


The one thing that everyone can see, the one thing that is clear to everyone's eyes is that everyone is looking for love.

Everyone does, at some point in our lives, at least, once in every lifetime.

But something's wrong because even though everybody is searching it seems that nobody is finding it. They look and look and look and then... They keep looking. Some think they've found it but then they hurt cause it turns out it really wasn't what they thought it would or should be. Some give up and decide they are better off alone. Some continue their never-ending search but they're faithless. Others are faithful... So they keep searching and searching...

But do they find?

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. -Buddha.

I believe it's the same with love.

Have you ever thought that the simple action of looking for love in your life implies that you don't have it? Because if you have something already, why go looking for it? Have you ever wondered how your life would be if you turned things around?

How would your life change if instead of thinking that you need to have something, do something or be with someone in order to be happy or loved... You started thinking that first you have to be happy and loving and then everything else will fall into place. What if it started first with a state of being? With something that comes from inside of us, instead of outside of us?

Wouldn't it be much easier if we believed that everything we need we could find within? Then we could stop searching for love because then we would know that we already have it.

The secret... The truth? The reason why it seems love is running out on planet Earth? Is it because there are no more decent men and women left on this planet? Is it because nobody is worth the while? Is it true that trusting is just for the fools?

We all look for love, we all search for it...

Why is love so hard to find?

And the truth is...

Being a searcher is not so useful.

Being a searcher is not the path, not the fastest anyway, and that's because of this simple reason...

Being a searcher of love doesn't help because EVERYONE IS SEARCHING FOR IT. EVERYONE.

Everyone is searching. Then, as a result, there's nobody left to find because they are searching too. Everyone is searching for it... there are so many searching! The world is crowded with searchers, crowded with people who think they are lacking love in their lives because they fail to find it within; and since the world doesn't need any more of those...

Then why not being the prize instead? The treasure? The love?

Why not being the one to find?

Do not attempt to win the prize, BE the prize.

That's my answer. Be the ones they get to find not the ones that get to search. Be all you want to find in another. Be loving, be kind, be courageous, be fun and funny, be interesting, be generous, be happy, be love. Be the one who loves and you will be loved back.

If you don't believe it... Try it.

Article Source: EzineArticle

Learning to Love Her Anyway

We all want to cherish that special person in our life whom we hold close to our heart. Practically, this idea runs into many problems because of individual differences make agreement difficult.

You are two different people with different views of the world. To live together harmoniously, you should create a shared dream that is important to both of you. It could be buying a house together or celebrating your twentieth anniversary together. These beautiful dreams will help you focus on the positive aspects of your relationship.

1. Love the minor differences

No two people are exactly alike-even those besotted with each other. Big or small, differences are likely to creep up from the unlikeliest of places. If you want to love her unconditionally, you will need to care for her in spite of the differences. Remember, differences occur not due to someone's fault, but due to the fact that you are two individuals. Do not try to change her, but try to move ahead with a better understanding of each other.

2. Don't take things personally

There are times when certain aspects of your personality come into sharp focus. Maybe you are a loner and her highly sociable lifestyle throws your limited social circle right back at you. Constantly. Do not develop a complex about these things. Instead of taking them personally, view these things in perspective. She has her life and you need to love her for her personality - it should happen the other way round as well.

3. Set rules

Setting rules is a great way to make your expectations more explicit. Rather than springing up surprises and causing the other person to feel uncomfortable, it can help if both of you know what to expect from each other in specific circumstances. You can set rules for interacting in public or with each other's friends and parents, managing expenses, and so on. This will reduce disagreements and make it easy to build a relationship.

4. Forgive

If you want to love her unconditionally, you will have to learn to forgive, even when your mind feels like a pressure cooker or your heart is bleeding. Just forgive. In the end, nothing is worth hurting someone with your words. You can always return to the matter after both of you have distanced yourself from it to decide what went wrong. Once you have done that, simply put it to rest for good.

5. Don't make everything your problem

Many people feel very responsible and protective towards their partners. While this is a good thing, it can often lead to an unbalanced relationship. Everybody has problems, and your girlfriend will have hers. Trust her to solve her problems on her own. If she needs your help, she will let you know. Until then, you should simply stay away but let her know you are always ready to help.

To love someone anyways is about valuing him or her as a complete person, not as an idealized image you have in your mind. Realizing that you are a person with a vibrant personality can be one of the most enriching aspects of your life.

They say happy couples live longer and happier lives. Strong and enduring relationships do not exist just in the movies. Like millions of real couples, you too can develop a rich relationship with your partner. Share this article to help others take responsibility for their relationships and care for their partners in an enlightened way. Subscribe to our blogs to receive regular updates about interesting articles to improve your relationships and lead a more satisfied life.

Article Source: EzineArticles

Love Right Now

Living right now means that you forget the past and you forget the future. Concentrate on what you can do right in this moment to improve your relationship. That could mean just sitting down to talk. See how your significant other is feeling. Hold hands and look at each other when you are speaking. The touch is such an important part of a relationship. The connection of the eyes is even more important. That is where you can see each other more deeply. I am not talking about just the physical form, but the spirit.

When you love in this moment there are no words that will describe what the feeling is. Love is the only word that will ever matter. It becomes such that you love each moment that you have a chance to be with the people you love. There are no more what ifs, ands or buts about it. A beautiful thought will overcome your mind that this is the exact moment that you have been looking for. Many people will dream of this love but only a few will ever understand.

Each time people that we care about have conflict we jump to conclusions. Sometimes we are correct and sometimes it has nothing to do with what we are thinking. The first thing to do at this point is to listen with your heart. Be silent. Let them tell you the story that is on their mind. This will open you up to a whole new set of conversation to have. By listening you are letting them know that they are important in your world. The world that you share will become a brighter place the more you can listen to the whole story. A lot of times after the story is told there isn't anything to say other than I love you.

Is love enough to help your relationship? The longer we live the more we come to realize that we can love and yet something is missing. No one can always answer what that something is. What we can do right now about it is love with our whole heart. Listen with our whole heart. Make every day special by showing your significant other the love that they deserve.

One exercise that you can do to improve any relationship is to look at the other person. Only see the person as perfect as they are. They must be doing everything they are currently doing to be who they are. If they were going to change in any way that change must come within their own hearts and minds. It is up to each of us to live as we are. Be as we are. As time passes we will begin to see and experience new events that allow our true selves to become more of who we want to be. The person you have chosen to be with is exactly perfect as they are. Love them in that way.

Article Source: EzineArticles

Loving My Somali Neighbour

SCHOOL is a learning place. We know that. But a place where parents learn? Yes, I say, from my own experience.

One of the great things about our son's school is his class is so diverse in its ethnicity. Only a few other Caucasian kids. There's a blend of different cultures, including a few of Muslim faith. Now, in terms of other faiths, I'm a little sheltered. I've not previously had much exposure to the people of Islam, though I've learned a lot more about Islam in the past year or so. I remain curious in order to know my neighbour better.

My son and I arrived at school early on a recent sunny day and I met Abram (not his real name) whose son is in my son's class. Being in Kindergarten they're friends, of course. Four and five-year-olds have not yet come across the diversities of divisiveness in schoolyard politicking.

Well, off our sons run into the playground leaving that awkwardness that exists between fathers who've never encountered each other in such proximity. It's not unusual for me to make the move, so I did. And, so we chatted for a solid five minutes. We learned about each other - what we both do for work, family structures, and the philosophies we've developed over our years.

It was only having encountered Abram that God showed me some new things about him, and therefore about me. Firstly, as we spent time face-to-face, I got to look at his face and into his eyes long enough to notice he was not as old as I'd first imagined him. (Getting to know people is a perception shifter.) Secondly, in his Somali accent I was reminded of the language barrier that exists between us - I just didn't hear or understand all he was talking about, although, for continuity purposes I made out that I did understand, trusting in the overall thrust of the conversation. This was a reminder to me of my disability - my lack of linguistic and listening ability. Thirdly, it was clear to me that this man before me had insight I did not have. Before we met I had been forced to make assumptions about what kind of person he was. That's an admission of my humanness. God was reminding me of my propensity for judging everything I perceive, including those made in His image.

I have deduced the following:

Genuine community is always about embracing diversity between different ones, beginning at root in the 'two of us'.

Judgments are challenged and often overturned when we encounter reality, and that is always a healthy thing.

To look into another human being's face is a reminder of our innate sameness, no matter how cultures separate us.

Community makes us better, for it's only when we come together that our different gifts can merge into a stronger force for good.

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Love at First Sight Could Be Real

Love, at first sight, sounds like a myth to many whiles to some; it's an absolute workable miracle of some sort. The whole idea is based on the saying that love is blind and therefore, at first sight, logic and sense do not matter as long as the feeling of that great desire and admiration has been stirred and blossomed into a strong affection. This feeling may be mutual or just within one individual who latter persuades the other person to awaken a similar feeling in them.

They say that the sense of being loved and being able to love back that person with an equal measure of affection is the greatest experience in one's life. Everyone in this planet craves for the desire to feel important, and one way of feeling this is by knowing you are loved and could never be replaced by anyone or anything regardless of its value. The joy and happiness drawn from this knowledge are priceless, and one that everyone wants even it is Hitler or that public enemy number one.

Many are times when relationships are built upon these particular feelings, and they develop into real long time marriages and the typical fairy tale happy ending. However, we have others that after some time, they turn sour leading to separations and hatred between two people that one's seemed to be deeply in love. Nature rules that everything has an end, even this great universe of ours that seem so indestructible, however, the question remains, does true love has an ending?

Marital and relationship experts have summed up a few reasons that often cause the once bright beams of love to end. Some of the primary reasons include:

· Lack of proper communication

· Having hidden benefits

· Financial problems

· Ego and inability to feel equally accountable for the relationship

Therefore we can precisely conclude that love only dies when neglected, this is because, from the above-outlined factors, all are based on the human action where one decides either to do or not do something that is essential. The real love that attracted this two together bears the neglect, and it runs out leaving a lacuna that could only be filled with a similar feeling from the heart, and that is hate.

The world now, where we stand many people cannot fathom the real meaning of true love, one that is commonly associated with love at first sight, one that never grows old, never knows race or face, one that is unconditional. We, therefore, need to pay much attention to our hearts and learn to love it, endeavor to give your all and focus on making that special someone feel that important.

Article Source: EzineArticles

Things To Make You Look Great On Your Wedding Day

1. Choose your dress well in advance. Your dress is one of the most important items in your wedding plans, so make sure you take enough time to choose one that suits you - not your best friend, not your bridesmaids, and not your mother. For the day of your wedding, you'll want a dress in which you can stand, walk and dance in without worrying about "wardrobe malfunctions" or causing you discomfort. Allow necessary time if you decide on having the dress made, but even if bought "off the rack," you'll need to factor in time for tailoring and any adjustments. Choosing a comfortable wedding dress will make you look natural on the wedding day, it also helps the wedding photographers and videographers to capture more great moments. Imagine if the bride has always to worry if her wedding dress will fall, she will not have a natural or pleasant facial expression, and it will make your wedding photographers and videographers have a hard time doing their job to capture the "great" moments.

2. Choose a classic hair style. You don't want to overpower your dress and headpiece with a flamboyant hair style or color that overwhelms everything else. Keep it simple and classic, and remember to practice the look you want at home or with your stylist before the wedding day. When we recorded a wedding in summer 2011, a bride chose a hair style that her hair covers half of her face. This couple chose to do the outdoor photo/video session by the lake in downtown Toronto. As you can imagine, it is very windy by the lake, her hair flies everywhere...

3. Fix your nails professionally. Have your nails professionally manicured the day before the wedding. This is one thing you don't want to do too far in advance. Reduce the chances of a broken nail, chipped polish; or, if using applied nails, reduce the risk of having one coming off by having your manicure as late as possible. If you are not inclined toward colored polishes or long fingernails, simply make sure that they are neatly trimmed, filed, polished, and buffed. Your hands will be the focus of attention when showing off that new wedding ring and for photos and video.

4. Enhance your beauty with makeup. Makeup is the last thing you'll need to worry over. It is done on the big day itself but you should have a test run before this. Don't try to transform yourself into a different person with dramatic eye makeup or garish lipstick. Simply make the real you look better! This is also going to help you look good on the wedding photos and videos.
• Use a slightly heavier hand than with your usual daytime makeup so that your photos won't have you appearing washed-out looking, but don't overdo it. And if your wedding is at night, with more subtle lighting, apply makeup as though you were going to a club or restaurant at night - a little heavier than daytime, but not too much! Avoid deep red lipstick as well as a too-pale pink. Frosted eyeshadows or lipsticks are definite no-nos. Taking your own photo with a digital camera or a camera phone is a good way to check your makeup before the wedding photos and videos.
• Also, if you have sensitive skin, this is not the time to try a new brand. The last thing you want to do is head for the altar with blotches or zits thanks to an allergic reaction.

5. Prepare in advance to feel your best.
• The night before your wedding is not the time for partying, so get eight hours of restful sleep. If you're having a rehearsal dinner, or a bachelorette bash, make sure that it ends early. Drink moderately or, better yet, not at all. Bloodshot eyes and a banging hangover will not make for a fun wedding.
• Don't gorge yourself the night before because we all know that there are strange forces at work which will try to make your wedding gown just a wee bit snug in the morning. Let alone the fact that it isn't so pleasant feeling bloated! To overcome excitement and nerves, try taking a long walk - it can help with pre-nuptial jitters. A relaxing bath with soothing background music, a cup of herbal tea, and you should be ready to doze off with images of a happy future marriage in your dreams.

6. Be yourself. It is absolutely normal to feel awkward when you are surrounded by the wedding photographers and videographers on the big day, especially for those who marry for the first time. Just try to think there is only your and your love when they are taking photos for you. Modern professional photographers and videographers do not take lots of photo when they say "one, two, three, cheese", instead, like our photographers and videographers, they capture the most natural moment by giving the couple some creative directions and then follow the flow to capture the great moments.

NG Studio is based in Toronto, Ontario and has been in business for seven years offering a wide variety of photography and videography services. Our goal is to make your special day shine! What makes us different? We offer every type of special event photography and videography service you can imagine! NG Studio specializes in weddings, engagement proposals, family photo shoots, photo booth rentals, destination weddings, honeymoon services, drone aerial services and in house video and photography sessions.

Article Source: EzineArticles

5 Most Dazzling Rooftop Wedding Venues In Mumbai

Finding a right venue for your wedding is a quite exasperating task. But what could be better than getting married in one of the most happening cities of the world? A rooftop wedding in the economic capital of this country, ignoring the noisy activities below you and having the beautiful skyline gaze back at you. One of the benefits of marrying on a rooftop is, you will really feel rich. You can just call a helicopter and fly high in the sky to chill after the ceremony.

Here's a list of five rooftop venues in Mumbai where you can tie the knot and have a dream-come-true wedding.

1. Hotel Godwin, Colaba:

Hotel Godwin overlooks the Gateway of India, the Grand Taj Mahal Palace and the fascinating Arabian Sea. Surprisingly, even the huge Taj Mahal Palace can't offer such a perfect rooftop view! It has a capacity of 150 people. Even though the only vegetarian food is served here, alcohol is allowed but only with a permit. The rooftop is equipped with a DJ and a music system i.e. allowed to play music till 11 pm. The venue timings can be extended till 12:30 am. The terrace inside the glass doors is equipped with air conditioners to beat up the heat in summer.

2. Comfort Inn Heritage Hotel, Byculla:

The rooftop capacity of this hotel is 350 people. It gives a wide angle view of the city and is really pleasing to the eyes. The venue also offers a green room and a music system. It also has a huge parking area available for its guests. The venue has a group of experienced wedding planners to help you with everything related to your wedding. Alcohol and non-vegetarian food aren't permitted.

3. ITC Grand Central, Parel:

The ITC Grand Central has a famous and elegant banquet hall. Just like their banquets, they have a stylish terrace garden on the rooftop. If you book the terrace garden it has a floating capacity of 350 people. The hotel offers a green room and has a parking area which is reserved only for its guests. The complete venue is Wi-Fi enabled. Alcohol and non-vegetarian food are not permissible. Although the venue doesn't have its own DJ, they have a permission to play music till 11 pm.

4. Marine Plaza, Churchgate:

This hotel has the best rooftop view in the whole of Mumbai! It is located near the beach and the Allamanda Terrace, which is named after an American flower, provides you with an amazing view of the Mumbai skyline. If you're a 'wind-in-the-hair-do-not-care' type of person, then you'll love this open-air venue as it sporadically witnesses some sea breeze which makes your wedding more romantic. The hotel also has a small pool on their rooftop so that you can relax after a frenzied wedding event. The terrace has a capacity of 150 people. The hotel offers a green room and the complete venue is equipped with Wi-Fi. Although the venue doesn't have its own music system, they have a permission to play DJ till 11 pm. Alcohol and non-vegetarian food aren't served here.

5. Club Aquaria, Borivali West:

This place offers a lavish space for a beautiful wedding. While you soak in the beauty of the venue, their caterers will treat your guests to a delicious feast, making your special day worth remembering. Moreover, the venue offers a parking space for almost 100 cars. Alcohol is served by the hotel itself and outside catering is not allowed here. The place has its own DJ and a music system for the baaratis to shake a leg!

If you are planning a rooftop wedding in Mumbai, then this places offers flawless services and transforms a simple wedding into a charming one.

Get in touch with us for more wedding venues in Mumbai.

Mrudang is a wedding planner, author and the curator of Best Wedding Venues in Mumbai - My Article offering guidance and inspiration for the balanced bride. Mrudang also has an excellent choice of wedding florists in Mumbai to help Brides and Grooms to be with the planning of their special day

Article Source: EzineArticles

How to Choose Bridesmaids

It can be a very simple or very complex task to choose the bridesmaids. Would you like to know how to get it right? Today I will talk about some keys. I think they will be beneficial for you to do right things. Take note of what is good for you.

Before you choose your bridesmaids, you should consider it well. It is not something you can improvise. Of course, they will play an important role on the wedding day, especially, they will support you and do something helpful for you through the preparations. When you choose your gorgeous lace wedding dresses, your bridesmaids will company you and give you some guidance. They will also give their advice to choose bridal shoes, or provide some creative ideas until you find a wonderful bridal bouquet. So it is not so easy to find the ideal bridesmaids, How to deal with it? Please see the following advice.

1. Be trendy

Its origin goes back to ancient Rome, when the bridesmaids accompanied the bride to the place of the wedding. Their main function was to protect her during the trip, reason why they dressed in similar costumes is the objective of confusing to possible kidnappers. In the Anglo-Saxon weddings, they were called flower girls, because they threw petals at the bride's step to wish her good luck.

2. What functions do they play?

Before deciding them between candidates, you have to think about the functions that your bridesmaids will perform: this way you will know who to choose. Not everyone serves, as they should work as a team, be patient and always be at your disposal. Remember that the role of the maid of honor is not just to precede you on your way to the altar or to put on the tail of your dress. In the same way that you have spent time thinking about original wedding details or have consulted several catalogs until you find those perfect wedding shoes, you also have to make an effort to find the ideal bridesmaids. These will be your main tasks:

Before the wedding:

Traditionally, bridesmaids should help you with all the wedding preparations and support you unconditionally so you won't feel too nervous. They will advise you on the choice of your bridal look, the bouquet... And they will also help you look for ideas for wedding details, to think about the music for the banquet, to decide on the bridal cake or even to look at hairstyles for loose hair. And, of course, they will organize an unforgettable party.

The wedding day:

They have to help you from the first thing in the morning, taking care of you and make sure that you are perfect. They will also accompany you to the church, ensuring that your nice ball gown wedding dress and the tail are always where they should be.

3. Who should I choose?

Traditionally the bridesmaids are single and young. They must also be willing and able to solve any problem that may happen. It is advisable that all of you live in the same city or nearby to organize fun meetings or informal meals to go and organize everything with peace of mind. Think that you should choose funny, organized, responsible and interested girls in your well-being.

After you choose bridesmaids, it is time to tell the color and style of bridesmaids dresses.

Article Source: EzineArticles

Planning For A Barn Wedding - Here's What You Should Consider

The trend of barn weddings is hitting the seventh sky and maximum couples are dreaming of a wedding surrounded with wagon rides, bistro, market, Christmas lights, laces and much more.

It is bit difficult and stressful to plan everything at a barn wedding venue in your city. It is a daunting task as the farms or fields are an open place where there is less availability of a lot of things. Thus, it involves a lot of efforts and time to plan a wedding function at a farm. Such venues hold infinite possibilities for breathtaking photos. Planning a wedding at such farms is quite a tricky task especially when mud, portable restrooms and uninvited bugs are a major factor. Here are listed some wedding snags that you may hit to keep you and your guests happy. Let's have a look at them:

Set aside a budget on barn extras- Not only farms but also every place that isn't fully serviced is going to charge you extra. You will have to arrange everything including tables, chairs, dishes and other necessary things. You have to incur additional cost for lightening, generators, tents, commercial cleaning of the barn, access to water etc. Besides all this, you've to make sure that the farm you have booked for the D-day is licensed and insured to be open to public.
Check local sound ordinance rule- If the farm is hired for the night as well, it doesn't mean that you can play music at the late hours or the early hours of the morning. Whether or not the barn is in a relatively remote location, you should check with the sound ordinance rules in order to know what time your band or DJ should be wrapping up.
Mind the grounds- The barn, farms or fields are always perfect from the photography point of view. But, for a barn wedding, you have to make sure that it is even suitable enough for large vehicles i.e. wagons and cars because these transports will be used to transport the elderly guests to your wedding venue. Otherwise, this will become a huge issue for you to find convenient and comfortable means to take your guests to the wedding hall.
Make a plan for bugs- The bugs are said to be the uninvited guests at a barn wedding. They are definitely not welcomed by the host and therefore citronella candles and bug sprays are set up around the perimeter of the barn. Make sure that bug sprays are kept in sufficient quantities in the bathrooms, near the entrance so that your guests can easily take advantage of it. If you're less aware of the barn area, consider chatting with someone who is aware of the area and the bugs to make required plans accordingly.
Weatherproof your guests- Parasols and paper fans aren't just pretty touches to a barn wedding? These two things even become a necessity during hot months. These arrangements are necessary to be done to make your guests feel comfortable so that they can enjoy the ceremony to the fullest.
Allergy-proof the area: If the farm area is surrounded with animals and hay bales, it is necessary for you to get the place clean because the smell of animals or the hay and feed can cause allergies to the people present there including the bride and groom. If you want to give an exciting look to your venue, you can use hay bale seats but make sure that you cover them with blankets properly so that it doesn't harm your guests.
Skip stilettos: To all the female guests, you might have to provide flip-flops to comfortably roam around the rustic wedding venue because such a venue are more likely to have rustic floors too i.e. of wood, pebble or even dirt floors. These floor types make it difficult for your female guests to properly walk at the place. Flip flops will help them save from ruining their heels.
The Hotel provides special offers on special occasions but on regular basis it offers exciting dining out deals in its restaurant during week days and these offers can be availed only one time during your stay. Ensure that you keep in mind all these above-mentioned things to make your wedding ceremony a mesmerising event at a barn wedding venue in Hertfordshire or any other city where you looking for.

Article Source: EzineArticles

Lace Wedding Invites: Good Or Bad?

Your wedding is undoubtedly the most special occasion in your life! No matter how you plan it or what kind of arrangements you make, you will surely want to make it special and unique. While the décor, food, and flowers are integral parts of the entire project, the invites are also important. Designing, conceptualizing, and choosing invitation cards seems to be a huge responsibility, and that needs to be done perfectly. You will surely have a creative bent of mind and wish to reflect it in the best way. With designer wedding invitations, you will have the opportunity to do so.

Expressing your creativity

When it comes to expressing your creative thoughts and ideas, nothing can get better than attractive, stylish, and stunning Lace Wedding Invites. These cards exude a special charm and can make the entire occasion unique. Designs are intricate, and there's a vintage appeal that captivates the attention of every individual. If you want to do something different in your D-Day that everyone will remember, choosing these special cards will be the best thing to do.

Why opt for lace

It is highly imperative to choose the best material for your invitation card. The market is filled with a gamut of options, and you need to choose the best ones. Lace ranks amongst the most attractive, intricate, and ornate materials. You can either invest in the customized Lace Wedding Invites designed by the leading suppliers or rely on your own choices. If somebody wants to choose cards for theme weddings, that will also be available. Here are some reasons that say why lace is the perfect option for such occasions:

1. Intricate

As a material, this particular option is intricate and beautiful. You can see the minute designs which will make even the biggest critic happy. The detailed artwork on these cards makes them special. You can reflect your passion for creativity in the best way.

2. Vintage

The material exudes a classy, conventional, and sophisticated charm. Lace designs reflect the vintage charm and classic European designs. Your guests will love to get them, and you will be in awe of these invites.

3. Classy

Apart from the conventional European touch, lace invitations add class and glamor to the entire occasion. No matter whether it's a beach wedding or theme marriage, your cards will reflect the refined taste and the quintessential classiness.

Getting the best options

You can add a touch of drama to these cards by opting for the jeweled ones. Or you can also keep it simple, subtle, and soft. From vertical to other shapes, you will have a multitude of options to choose from. Know your preferences and depending on that, you can opt for the perfect cards.

Purchase today

The leading suppliers of wedding cards have a rich inventory of such attractive invites. You have every right to make the event special, and it is here that you will need these unique invitation cards. Get in touch with the top suppliers, breeze through their collections, and then opt for the right products.

Article Source: EzineArticles