Tuesday, December 5, 2017

5 New Year's Resolutions for Busy Families

It somehow seems that modern life is busier than it has ever been. As well as our work and family commitments, there are now so many ways to spend our leisure time; it often feels like 24 hours is simply not long enough to get everything you wanted done in the day.

The problem of being busy all of the time (even though it is a good problem to have) hits those of us who have time-consuming jobs and are also raising a family the hardest. If you fall into this category, you may find it helpful to read the following list of five potential New Year's resolutions you could make to ensure your 2017 is less stressful than this year may have been!

1) Leave the office on time - Even if it's only on one or two days a week, it is important that you sometimes put your foot down and leave your place of work as soon as your day is meant to finish. You'll find that you get much more done in the evenings!

2) Invest in a 2017 calendar - It may sound like a simple step, but that's sort of the point. Having your work and leisure commitments mapped out for the weeks and months ahead in an easy to view format will allow you to see at a glance just how busy you are and whether you are taking on too much.

3) Spend 10 minutes doing nothing - Again, this is more productive than it sounds! Set your alarm ten minutes earlier every day so that, before you get up, you can spend this extra time in completely undisturbed silence, thinking about what your priorities should be for the day to come.

4) What are your two most important tasks? - Speaking of priorities, it is also a good idea to take a step back from time to time and decide which the two most important jobs are that you wish to accomplish on any given day. This is a great way of clearing your head when you feel overwhelmed.

5) Consider hiring household staff - You may have thought that hiring a nanny or other household staff might be the 'easy way out', but this is not the case. Those who have invested in professional assistance of this kind know that hiring a caring and responsible person to help run your busy home is a fantastic way of relieving domestic pressures.

This article was written by Thom Sanders on behalf of Beauchamp Partners - a specialist London-based nanny agency who have been providing the highest quality childcare to clients for over thirty years.

Article Source: EzineArticles

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