Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Some Things Are Just Personal

I will grant I have a few eccentricities. But, far less than the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage has avowed through the years. Listening to her, a person might come to believe my eccentricities are without limit. It is simply not the case.

I firmly believe one man's eccentricity is another man's way of doing something. After all, everybody has a way of doing everything they do. If that is eccentric, we all have a lot of 'plaining to do.

If the tables were turned, I could make an equally infinite list of eccentricities associated with my wife. Since she set the table, who am I to turn it? I keep this as a secret stash to revel in occasionally when I am feeling a little poorly about myself. The secret will go no further.

An example might best illustrate my point. My wife thinks I am a little eccentric when it comes to pens. But, not so. I am just particular when it comes to using a writing instrument. After all, I am a writer and writers are experts when it comes to writing instruments. I could not play a musical instrument, but let me have a writing instrument and I can play all day long.

When it comes to writing instruments, I have my preferences. When I say that, I must confess, I have never seen a pen I did not want to own. The pen, any pen for that matter, has something of an alluring draw for me. I sometimes go into an office-supply store just to worship before the array of pens they have. Rarely do I walk away without taking one pen to the checkout counter and rescue it from obscurity.

I possess pens of every shape, color and purpose. As far as I am concerned, every pen has a particular purpose. I always carry on my person a variety of pens with a diversity of ink colors because you never know what you are going to write doing the day. It would be beneath my dignity to use a pen for a purpose other than its intended task.

Often a certain resident of our household, which shall remain nameless, has made fun of what she calls "Your silly eccentricity." This person is always looking at me when such remarks are made. I am not smart, but I get her nib.

If I wanted to make a point with her, I could say she is rather eccentric when it comes to her tools. To walk into her workshop is to be confronted with tools of every size, shape and purpose. I have watched her work and she never uses a hammer when she needs a screwdriver.

I once confronted her with this and she replied, "Oh, don't be so silly. It's not the same."

Another thing some may consider eccentric is the fact I do not use other people's pen. I jolly well do not like others using my pen. It is just the rule I go by.
When I am at a restaurant and it comes time to sign the credit card receipt, the waitress always supplies one of her pens, but I never use it. I always select from the assortment of pens I have on my person at the time.

After all, I do not know who used that pen last. Also, I would not want to promote jealousy among the pens I do have. This is a rather strict rule I have followed for as long as I can remember. I do not use your pen, you do not use my pen and the world is a wonderful place to live in.

This past week I faced a crisis in this regard. I was standing in line at the post office minding my own business, thinking of the package I had to mail. If you have ever been in the post office line you know how long it can be and the longer it is, the less people they have to serve at the counter.

If there are two or three people in line there are six people standing behind the counter ready to assist you. If there are over 12 people in line, the number behind the counter reduces to two. It is just the way the government works.

As I say, I was minding my own business when a woman came up and ask a simple question. I am used to people asking me questions, but this one put me in a bind.

"Could I borrow one of your pens?"

I lacked not in pens, for I had six in my shirt pocket. It was the principle of the thing that got me. I had six pens, she needed to borrow one and everybody in the post office was looking at me, or so it seemed. My whole world stopped.

With some hesitation, I pulled a pen from my shirt pocket, put a smile on my face I did not really mean, and handed her my pen. It used to be my favorite pen, too.

Even the Bible says that everything has a purpose and every purpose has a season.
"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:" (Ecclesiastes 3:1).

The greatest challenge in life is to discover your purpose, and no matter how anybody else thinks about it, you stick to it and do it for the glory of God.

Since 1997, Rev. James L. Snyder has written a weekly religion/humor column, "Out To Pastor," syndicated to over 300 newspapers and many websites. The Rev. Snyder is an award winning author whose writings have appeared in more than eighty periodicals including GUIDEPOSTS. In Pursuit of God: The Life of A. W. Tozer, Snyder's first book, won the Reader's Choice Award in 1992 by Christianity Today. Snyder has authored and edited 30 books altogether.

James L. Snyder was given an honorary doctorate degree (Doctor of Letters) by Trinity College in Florida. His weekly humor column, "Out To Pastor," is syndicated to more than 325 weekly newspapers.

Through 44 years of ministry, he and his wife Martha have been involved in three church-planting projects prior to their current ministry at the Family of God Fellowship in Ocala, Florida. The Snyders have three children and nine grandchildren.

Article Source: EzineArticles

5 New Year's Resolutions for Busy Families

It somehow seems that modern life is busier than it has ever been. As well as our work and family commitments, there are now so many ways to spend our leisure time; it often feels like 24 hours is simply not long enough to get everything you wanted done in the day.

The problem of being busy all of the time (even though it is a good problem to have) hits those of us who have time-consuming jobs and are also raising a family the hardest. If you fall into this category, you may find it helpful to read the following list of five potential New Year's resolutions you could make to ensure your 2017 is less stressful than this year may have been!

1) Leave the office on time - Even if it's only on one or two days a week, it is important that you sometimes put your foot down and leave your place of work as soon as your day is meant to finish. You'll find that you get much more done in the evenings!

2) Invest in a 2017 calendar - It may sound like a simple step, but that's sort of the point. Having your work and leisure commitments mapped out for the weeks and months ahead in an easy to view format will allow you to see at a glance just how busy you are and whether you are taking on too much.

3) Spend 10 minutes doing nothing - Again, this is more productive than it sounds! Set your alarm ten minutes earlier every day so that, before you get up, you can spend this extra time in completely undisturbed silence, thinking about what your priorities should be for the day to come.

4) What are your two most important tasks? - Speaking of priorities, it is also a good idea to take a step back from time to time and decide which the two most important jobs are that you wish to accomplish on any given day. This is a great way of clearing your head when you feel overwhelmed.

5) Consider hiring household staff - You may have thought that hiring a nanny or other household staff might be the 'easy way out', but this is not the case. Those who have invested in professional assistance of this kind know that hiring a caring and responsible person to help run your busy home is a fantastic way of relieving domestic pressures.

This article was written by Thom Sanders on behalf of Beauchamp Partners - a specialist London-based nanny agency who have been providing the highest quality childcare to clients for over thirty years.

Article Source: EzineArticles

You Can't Go Home Again

The title is the title of a book written by Thomas Wolfe. This book was not published until after Wolfe's passing in 1940. I have read parts of the book, and have concluded that the author wrote of his feelings of anguish. He was a German ex-patriot in America during the early 1900's and he agonized over how the Nazi movement changed his family, friends, and all German people. I don't know that he ever intended for the book to be published. He got the idea of the title from journalist Ella Winter.

It is the title, and not so much the book, that has entered the American psyche. Now, the title essentially means that you cannot return to your childhood. Not everyone wants to do that, but those of us who were fortunate to have a loving family and a beloved childhood miss it especially when our adult life is unhappy and when the circumstances of life has moved us geographically far from our childhood home. It is part of growing up for all of us, to realize that when we leave home to make our own way, we leave the close contact of the family that bore and raised us. With modern advances in communication and transportation, the physical separation is easier to endure, but we still cannot stop being an adult and return to being a pampered child again.

Many parents take solace by repeating the love that they experienced as they bless their own children with love, creating the new bonds in the succeeding generation. Still, even for them, it hurts to see parents age and pass on and when the family home is sold to someone else. We are compelled to see our home as where we are, not where we grew up. But, take some comfort, for the memories, the stories, and the photographs remain, and you can relive your joy of home once more by sharing them with the generation that follows you. That is the way it must work. We are all part of nature, and the natural world is reproductive. When we stop producing, our lives turn toward an eventual passing. It is sad, but it is logical and necessary.

Wherever you are, whatever your circumstances, make a home for yourself and for those who depend on you. Love them. Make your home a welcome place for friends and those who will become your friend. You can't go home again, but you can be a good person, someone who embodies the light and happiness of a home where everyone wants to be.

"Sharon Ann," https://www.amazon.com/Sharon-Ann-Tony-Grayson-ebook/dp/B00Q7F3BSK

Tony is a writer, an author of several published novels, and an independent publisher. In September 2012, he wrote and published the first of a three-book drama series, "A Voice from New Mill Creek: The Methodists," as an e-book. In April, 2013, he released his second e-book and first romance novel, "Goodnight Paige." In July, 2013, Tony released a guidebook titled "How Tony Wrote and Published Two Novels." In May 2014, he published "The Star of India, "the second novel in the Voice From New Mill Creek drama series. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICK8qpv0a30

Article Source: EzineArticles

The Advantages of Having a Sibling Who Is Close in Age

Oh my goodness, I have no idea what I would be doing right now if it weren't for my little sister and the fact that we are so close in age (more specifically, about a year apart, thanks to my moms forgetfulness and pill-form birth control). Besides the first year of my life, she has been with me through it all, and by that, I mean everything. So, in honor of celebrating another year of her life, I thought I'd make a list of the reasons I am so blessed to have a sister who is so close to my age and my heart.

#1: We Shared EVERYTHING

Whether I, her wiser, much more stylish older sister, wanted to or not. And yes, clothes are number one on the list. When we lived together, she would always sneak into my room and steal my recent purchases from the mall, and I would never see them again. Where would she put them? Only God knows, but I've come around to forgiving her.

When we were younger, I was always forced to share my friends. She would tag along wherever we went, interrupting our conversations and stealing my limelight with her quick-witted humor. In return, I always tried to act super cool around her friends, because I was, you know, a WHOLE year older, meaning that I had much more wisdom when it came to clothes, MySpace pics, and boys.

I used to hate sharing my friends more than anything, but now, I wouldn't change it for the world. We're all grown up, dealing with the torturous twenties the best we know how, helping each other along the way.

We also shared late-night fits of laughter that we'd try to keep quiet for fear of wrath from our parents, making funny faces and telling made-up jokes to entertain ourselves in the days before T.V.'s were installed in every room.

We shared coughs, toys, celebrity crushes, the remote--well, you get the gist. When I say everything, I mean everything.

#2: When Family Crises Arose, We Stuck Together

And this aspect of our lives is what I think kept us from growing up to be psycho loner cat ladies. Being two sisters from a divorced family was not easy, and I'm 99.9% positive that I would not have been able to go through it alone. As we watched our parents fade apart, we clung closer together with every foreshadowing aspect of our mom and dad's fate. And when our parents finally separated for good, my sister and I never left each other's side. We went everywhere together, substituting the hole of whatever missing parent was away that weekend with each other, holding hands and sharing a bed when money was tight. We even gave in and let each other play with the other one's toys (since we didn't have many at the time), and as long as my sister let me control our games, we were all smiles.

#3: We Went Through our "Awkward Stage" at the Same Time

I'll admit it: We were both a little on the chubby side around the age of 12, but hey, those Wonderballs weren't going to eat themselves! However, we both saw our freckled-covered bodies, flat chests, and hairy legs a major disadvantage when we suddenly realized that boys were actually cute, and that all of the other girls at our middle school seemed to have everything going for them, including cellphones! But thank the Good Lord above that I thought it was a great idea to wear a shirt that exclaimed in big, bold, fuzzy letters: Boys Are Overrated! I thought I was being so rebellious, and my sister drooled at the idea that it would soon become her stylish hand-me-down.

Unlike us, all of our friends were allowed to wear makeup, shave their legs, and get their eyebrows done at 13, so we both felt pretty out of place. We were both late bloomers, and as if our school's initials of P.M.S. plastered on the walls wasn't enough of a reminder, we both got nightly talks about "Becoming women," and "The birds and the bees," while our friends got to wear actual bras and go to the mall without parental supervision.

On top of all that, I was cursed with braces that intensified the shape of my uneven smile. Luckily, my sister slipped sweet little notes under my bedroom door after I cried because my family got to eat Subway for dinner while I was forced to slurp down tomato soup.

#4: We Don't Judge Each Other (At Least, Not in a Way That Would be Acceptable if Anyone Else Were to Do it)

Although we do tell it like it is. But you can do that sort of thing when you're sisters. For instance, if my mom were to say to my sister, "What the heck have you done to your hair?!" There would surely be an all-out brawl, followed by a couple days of shunning, but if I were to say the same thing to her, we would probably laugh, and I'd tell her that she seriously needs to fix her hair, and then she probably would (or not, depending on her mood. She's a little on the rebellious side).

Problem solved.

And it works both ways. She is allowed to say things about me and my life (that I'll actually take to heart) that might end in a slapping match if it was said by anyone else. We can always expect honesty from each other, and trust me, it is freely given.

#5: We Make Dreaded Phone Calls for Each Other

THIS. This has been a life-saver when my anxiety is through the roof and I'm too scared to call into work, and vice versa. We may look nothing alike, but on the phone, no one can tell if they're talking to me or my sister. And we take advantage of it... it's a gift! And it's such a waste if you don't use the gifts you're given to the best of your ability.

She's saved my butt on days when I've forgotten I had to work, and I'd make her come up with a really good excuse and then call in for me. She's such a good actress, so I'm never scared when I put the fate of my income into her hands.

Me, on the other hand... well let's just say that I'm not a natural-born actress. The few times that I've called people and pretended to be her, I ended up giggling, and then chuckling, and then trying to contain my laughter while I was supposed to be sounding sick. Maybe that's why she doesn't ask me to do it that often.

Either way, I got the lucky end of the stick on this one.

#6: We Never Get Tired of Each Other's Humor

Or maybe that's just me, but 22 years have passed by and there is still no one on this earth that can make me laugh like my sister. Seriously, she makes my belly cramp up and tears roll out of my eyes over the same sort of things that she's been making me laugh about my whole life, and it never gets old.

And it's great, because only a select few get my ridiculously lame sense of humor, but my sister always laughs the hardest and the loudest, and let me tell you, it's over nothing. At least, nothing that anyone else would ever laugh at. I get to try and be funny all of the time, and if she fails to find my impression of a bucket of lard funny, then it's okay because she's my sister and I know she'll laugh at the next one.

We used to sneak into each other's rooms after bedtime and just make complete fools out of ourselves, conjuring up fake words and songs and then laughing until we thought we'd die (or be killed by our parents). There was nothing better, especially when our family was going through rough times. In those moments, we kept each other sane. We still do.

#7 Nothing Embarrasses Us When We're Together

We try really hard to embarrass each other, too. Actually, it's more of me trying to embarrass a girl who doesn't get embarrassed about anything, while she convinces me to do things that she doesn't find embarrassing at all, so I'll do it, and then become embarrassed.

She doesn't have a lot of rules while in public. I do. So one day, we're in CVS and I'm looking for a new shade of summer lipstick. I find a shade that I really like, but I tell her that I don't know if it would look good on me. Nonchalantly, she tells me to take off the wrapper and try it on, convinced that if I were to get caught that the store clerks would understand and let me off the hook-- because she does it all the time. She seemed so sure, so I unpeeled the wrapper and slathered on the hot-pink, waterproof lipstick. As I'm pursing my lips in the mirror, a manager turns the corner and yells, "HEY! I saw you try that on when I was watching the cameras. You know you're not supposed to do that! Did you? Did you try on the lipstick?"

With hot-pink Estee Lauder smudged all over my lips, I whisper "What do I say?" to my sister, and she looks at the manager, claims he has no idea what he's talking about, and grabs my hand to run out of the store while he yells after us.

"See, I told you it's not a big deal," she says calmly as I'm sweating and breathing hard, feeling like a runaway criminal.

After a moment of silence, we look at each other and bust out laughing. And to this day, I still let her talk me into doing otherwise stupid things, or convince me that "nobody cares if she accidentally puts her shirt on inside-out and backwards everyday," which she does do, almost every day.

I wish I could be more like her.

#8: If Someone Makes One of Us Angry, They Make Both of Us Angry

And it's usually a more spiteful anger for the one who was told about it. She gets mad at her boyfriend, and I daydream about shaving his legs or posting a really unflattering picture of him on Facebook. Vengeful, I know, but I'm not very good at plotting. I do, however, possess a very wide, very educated vocabulary, and I'd give him an earful if she let me.

Yeah, I mostly daydream about the words.

I have to be very careful when it comes to telling my sister about people I'm mad at, though, because she likes to daydream about pounding her fist in their face or breaking their baby toes.

Either way, we've always got each other's back. It doesn't matter if one of us is angry because one of our friends ate the last bit of our ketchup (the nerve!), the other one will be just as upset. I've stopped talking to some people altogether because they've done something to hurt my sister, and even though she's made up with them (because she's always the first to apologize), I will continue to shun them until they apologize to me for what they did to her.

Rational, I know.

But I know that my sister is the first one I call when I'm angry so we can be angry together until our wrath is satisfied. It might not be the healthiest type of therapy, but hey, it's in our blood.

#9: We Always Build Each Other Up

Which is important, considering that we both had to deal with environments that encouraged unrealistic body images, and we've both dealt with eating disorders. We always tell each other that we're beautiful, even when we look like we just went through the garbage disposal. It's because we know each other's heart, and we had to learn the hard way that what you look like on the inside defines your beauty.

On top of being beautiful (on the outside, too), my sister is the most talented singer/songwriter/actress that I've ever known. I know she could be a superstar if she had the time and the money, but right now, she's just a star to me. I have one of her songs on my iPhone that I blare in my car and sing at the top of my lungs, filled with pride and jealousy that the whole world doesn't get to see and hear what I do.

Likewise, she reads and supports all of my writings, and appreciates them even when no one else can seem to relate. She never fails to make me feel anything less than beautiful and talented when I'm around her, and she's done that for me my whole life. I only wish that I'd started reciprocating sooner, but you know how prideful and cocky older sisters can be.

#10: We Tell Each Other Everything

Same as rule #1. Nothing is excluded.

You ate a whole bag of Cheetos in under 15 minutes? That's awesome, gold star! You went to the bathroom in the White House and your poo ended up looking exactly like Obama? OMG, send me a pic!

But it's not all fun and games, though I wish it were. I tell her things about battling depression, anxiety, and my disease that I would never tell anyone else, and she'll describe it back to me in a different way, but it's like she's reading my mind. We both deal with the same mental issues, and because we're the only two people in the world who have lived the same life, we get each other. Sometimes we don't have to say anything at all, we just know. I really do think (when it comes to most things) that we have the same mind, and though our lives are now monumentally different, we're still the same person to each other, and I know we always will be.

When she's hurting, I feel her pain, but I've always managed to keep a straight face, and she does the same for me. Our whole family could be sobbing over some crisis, or the world could be crumbling around us, and I know we would be the only ones with our shoulders back and head up, nodding at each other in approval of the strength we hold fast to for the other's sake.

So go ahead world, give us your best shot. We'll be waiting.

Read more: [http://www.capturingthecorners.com]

Article Source: EzineArticles

Where Do You Look When She's Lost Her Voice?

It has been a quiet week at the parsonage. Far quieter than usual. I cannot remember a time when it was quieter. If silence is golden, the week glowed with a yellow brilliance.

Have you ever noticed when you lose something, it is always in the last place you look? I could save a lot of time, not to mention energy, if I would look for that lost item in the last place first.

Back to the sounds of silence in the parsonage.

When the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage awoke from her beauty sleep on Monday morning, she discovered sometime during the night she lost her voice. It was a strange sensation that bears repeating - often.

At first, I thought I lost my hearing. I am not accustomed to starting the day with such silence. I could see my Beloved's lips moving, but nothing reached my ears.

I must confess that there have been times when I feigned not hearing her, but this time I really could not hear a word she said. Immediately I plunged a finger in each ear to check for any foreign correspondent.

My fingers reported nothing. I must admit that clean ears are a novelty for me. God gave me such large ears attracting all sorts of stuff.

My ears produce enough wax each week to take care of 17 Rolls Royces. The strange thing was, I had just waxed my car the Saturday before.

With nothing in my ears - or between them, for that matter - I could not explain this sudden silence of my Little Lamb.

I am the kind of person who tries to find good in everything. Some circumstances severely try my efforts in this endeavor, but, believe it or not, I was able to find some good about this little incident in our parsonage.

The good news was my wife had lost her voice; the bad news, however, she insisted that I look for it.

Have you ever tried looking for something you hoped you would not find?

Through the years, I have engaged in many things my heart was not totally in full sympathy with.

Such things as Christmas shopping with my wife at the mall; going to a wedding reception for some family member; attending the Christmas play by first graders at the elementary school.

All these activities are good in and of themselves; if only they would merely keep themselves to themselves, it would not irate myself so much. As a dutiful husband and father, I bolster up both chins and go forward.

Being the considerate soul that I am, I submissively went through the motions of looking for the lost voice. (I did have my fingers crossed.)

My problem was: where do you begin looking for a lost voice? In my lifetime, I have looked for many lost items. My car keys, my wallet (especially when the check at the restaurant is due), and my mind, which I have yet to find.

However, where does a voice go when it turns up missing?

I began my search under the sofa and found a set of car keys I lost seven months ago and my checkbook that I looked everywhere for and finally had to close the account and start over again, but no voice.

I spent a few moments meditating in the garage, but did not find or hear the voice of my Beloved.

I looked in the refrigerator - pausing for a small snack without fear of remonstration from you know who. Of course, I may have been remonstrated, but I did not hear a thing.

You must admit that searching is strenuous work demanding refreshment to keep up my strength.

Now, where do voices go when they are lost? Is there such a thing as a Missing Voice Bureau? In addition, how long does a voice have to be missing before you can report it to the MVP?

When you do make out a report, how long does it sit on someone's desk before there is a congressional inquiry into the matter?

The crisis came to a head - actually, it was my head - on Thursday morning. At the breakfast table, I could tell my wife was a little irritated at something, or someone.

Glaring across her cereal bowl, I could read her lips, and believe me; she was not whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

I just did not know what to do. Honestly, I had looked everywhere for her voice and never did find it. By Thursday evening, the novelty of the silence began to get old.

It is rather difficult to effectively communicate when one has lost her voice. Unbelievably, I was beginning to miss hearing that voice, but I did not know what to do about it.

As mysteriously as it left, by Friday morning the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage found her voice. Within three hours, she more than made up for the several days of not speaking.

Actually, I was glad to hear her voice once again.

I thought of a scripture that made a little more sense to me. Jesus once said, "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand" (John 10:27-28).

Nothing is more wonderful than hearing the voice of the one you love.

Dr. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family of God Fellowship, 1471 Pine Road, Ocala, FL 34472. He lives with the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage in Silver Springs Shores. Call him at 352-687-4240 or e-mail jamessnyder2@att.net. The church web site is http://www.whatafellowship.com.

Article Source: EzineArticles

Planning a Family Reunion in Texas? Try These 5 Bright Ideas

Nothing makes for a ton of fun like having a good, old-fashioned family reunion. While to some people the idea of a reunion may seem a bit antiquated, in this "go-go" world of today, being able to get together with your family once a year is a nice way to connect with the ones you love and hold dear.

But when it comes to family reunions, they can often be somewhat chaotic and stressful simply because there has to be some level of consensus as to what types of activities will be a part of the get-together & where the reunion will be taking place. If you're already stressing over planning flights, taking time off (if applicable), or making sure you lose those pesky ten pounds before everyone sees you, the one thing you want to look forward to is killer activities that bring a smile to everyone's face.

Well, if it has been decided that your family reunion will be in the great state of Texas, you're in luck. The Lone Star State has a lot to offer and quite a large amount of space with which to work. If you're part of the planning committee for the 'shin-dig', here are five different ideas to make your next reunion absolutely rock:

1. Family "Reunion-lympics" - Organized games, kind of like the yearly amateur Games of Texas, provide a way for family members to have fun with one another, engage in some friendly competition, and catch-up with everyone at the same time. Some games you could take into consideration are volleyball & horseshoes that can involve family members of all ages. You could even have a medal ceremony.

2. Record Family Recipes - Put together the best recipes in a collection to be shared by the whole family. Since you're in Texas, this could be chili recipes or even "King Ranch" chicken recipes. Make the title of the 'cookbook' the year of the reunion, which can be nice if you decide to make it a tradition that has multiple editions.

3. "Pecan" Family Tree - Since you're in Texas, incorporate the long-living Pecan tree into a neat activity. Impose a pecan tree on some poster board, and have everyone add their part to the whole family tree. This could get a little crazy in terms of entries, so you can also create a "pecan" computer file to which you add to, and you can use this to create a neat family tree book for each family.

4. A "Bootin', Scootin'" Talent Show - Give the whole family a chance to get their cowboy hat & boots on and put on a fun talent show. You can make it thematic to match your Texas surroundings & sing the best music the state has to offer. Given how diverse Texas is, this can include polka, Tejano, country, and rock music.

5. Scavenger Hunt - Sure, Austin is nice, but why not take advantage of the Texas Hill Country & stay in the neighboring town of Fredericksburg, TX? You're nestled a bit away from the city, which is great because you can have a fun scavenger hunt that takes advantage of the beauty of the Texas Hill Country.

A Texan-style family reunion may be the perfect way to get the whole gang together for an amazing time, and if you're lucky, "y'all" will hopefully call Texas your home away from home!

Visit http://www.fredericksburg-inn.com for the perfect place for your next family reunion to call home.

Article Source: EzineArticles.com

The Reasons Why Family Is Important In Life

Family is the most important and valuable gift that god has given us. It is the first lesson in relationships with others. Family is really an important word. It means to feel secure, to have someone who you can count on, whom you can share your problems with. But it also means to have respect for each other and responsibility.

What family means to me is love and someone that will always be there for you through the good times and the bad. It is about encouragement, understanding, hope, comfort, advice, values, morals, ideals, and faith. These things are all important to me because it makes me feel secure and happy inside regardless of what is going on in my life. This is one of the main reasons why the family is important in our life. Here in this article it is important to emphasize on the importance of family in our everyday life.

Utmost Protection and Security

Family is important because it provides love, support and a framework of values to each of its members. Family members teach each other, serve one another and share life's joys and sorrows. Families provide a setting for personal growth. Family is the single most important influence in a child's life. From their first moments of life, children depend on parents and family to protect them and provide for their needs. Parents and family form a child's first relationships. Family provides all members with security, identity and values, regardless of age. When a member of the family feels insecure or unsafe, he turns to his family for help. He learns about his sense of self and gains a foundation for the rest of his life. This foundation includes the family's values which provide the basis for his own moral code. Spending time with family shows individuals the value of love, appreciation and open communication.

Following family traditions showcases the importance of family, as well. Family traditions are experiences that families create together on a regular basis, whether these involve holidays, vacations or even attending religious services together. Not only do these experiences create memories for years to come, they also give family members a stronger sense of belonging. Families bond together and make each member feel important.

First step of receiving basic values of life

A family is the first school in which a child receives the basic values of life. He learns good manners in the family. The morals and values learnt in family become our guiding force. They make our character. They lay the foundation of our thinking. I feel fortunate to be born in a family where values are inculcated in early childhood. Family is an important and strongest unit of society. It holds great importance in social life. A society is made up of families. Our family has been known for discipline and values. We give great importance to values and morals in life. Since our early childhood we are taught to respect the elders and love the children. We learnt the lesson of punctuality and honesty from our grandfather. It is due to the good education of our grandparents that we could excel both in sports and education. Since our childhood we have been put into the habit of rising early in the morning. This has a natural effect on our health and physical fitness.

Making a right choice in choosing the right life partner family values influences each walk of our life. It is high time that family values be protected and be treated as a tool to eliminate corruption, hunger, inequality, and crime and hatred in our society.

To shape a child's future

The family is your blood and they are the people who accept you for who you are, who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what. The family is one and only place where your life begins and love never end. You may have lots of people in your life, but you won't find a single person who cares the most exactly same as your parents. Some of you may not agree with me, but this is the truth that one day you will realize this by your own. A family is the only place where children study a lot after school. In school, teachers teach children about the subjects which will help them to find a good job in future. But in the home, Family teaches children about habits, discipline which not only help them to find a job but also help them to live a perfect life in future. So the family is very important for kids. When babies come out from mother's womb, they see their parents first and thereafter they spent most of the time with their family until go to school. During that 3 or 4 years is really important for babies to get to know some basic habits from parents, sisters or brothers. So on that period, they get to know many things from family. None of you going to teach bad habits for your baby, I believe. Parents have to be careful in actions in front of their babies because your baby learns habits and discipline from you only.

This is one of the main reasons why the family is important in our life. This is one of the great advantages of family and none of us ever realize this at any time. You may have lots of friends or relations or office mates. They will definitely be with you in your happy times or any successful achievements. But, your parents or sisters or brothers are the only ones will stay with you in your hard and difficult times. Your parents are the only one who understands you much more than any other people do in the world. Because they are your creators and they are the only ones traveling with you from the beginning. So they understand your feelings and always there for you whenever you need someone abundantly. This is the power of family. There are many people can help you, but the family will help you whenever you are alone.

Helps building an ideal society

A perfect family is a great example of the whole society. Father, Mother, children all of them have to work in order to build a perfect family. If any one of them failed then the whole family collapsed. This happens very much nowadays. The good name of the whole family ruined by a single member of the family. That is really sad but nothing to do for that. But if every family member works hard and builds an optimal family, then they are a good example of that whole society. Family impacts very much in society and society impacts very much in the country. So an ideal country not only builds by the government but also each and every family member. So each family is the principal key to the society. This is why the family is important in our life.

Family values are a set of unwritten rules and codes that creates and helps build our perception, vision towards society and many things that we face in our day to day life. Strong family values can instill greater clarity in decision making regarding our life and leads to a relatively easier and more balanced life. Giving strong values as a parent not only protects a child but also create a civilized conscious citizen and help move society towards a more harmless tomorrow. Strong family values can help check all the moral and ethical corruption in various walks of life which otherwise ultimately contributes to inequality poverty crime and what not.

In today's hard and fast world the most successful person are those who can take quick decisions about what they want from life. Family value that helps you distinguish what is morally correct and what suits your value system. Today the single largest task in hands of parents is protecting their children from outside influence which are majorly negative in nature. Injecting strong family values in child since childhood is one such measure that can ensure their safety in a time when direct supervision of child has become near impossible...

Strong source of spreading Love and Shelter

A family is like a nest. In it one can share laughter, joy, tears, successes, failures and problems. Everything becomes easier when you have someone to share. It is how we identify with others and how we view ourselves. It's where most of us learn to trust or be trusted. It's the longest and often times most valuable lessons on love and sacrifice, responsibility and organization of managing ourselves to meet the needs of others important to us. It is putting others before us. Family is not only about blood ties but about the love bond that exists whether friends colleagues, biological or adopted. It is respect and unconditional love No matter what. A family is the person who makes you smile when you feel sad. Your parents are like God, they always love you. The other thing is that a family is a very strong force that nobody can explain. Your parents are the ones that make you mad, but they always love you in the inside. If we didn't have family, then who will care for the children? Nobody. A family is a forever thing that will be always on your side. Remember, there is always love, always.

Thanks a lot... Now I understand the importance of the family, but not all family are friendly to each family members. I don't think all members will support each other since one person get married with the couple and is likely to change... Family should be our first priority, and love them with all our heart, as our choice, but getting good parents and siblings is a choice that is made by God and you can never demand it!

Thanks a lot for having a look at this article. The article is interesting to read and, in my opinion, a good way to remind people that they are people, not animals and realize the mere fact that we live in a society created by people brought up in families, not in caves or jungles.

Article Source: EzineArticles

Things I Hope My Nephew Knows While Growing Up

To my nephew,

From the moment you were born, I have loved you more than life itself. In fact, I didn't know I was capable of loving something so much that didn't even belong to me. You've taught me time and time again what love really is. I have had the opportunity to watch you grown into the kind, loving little boy you are today. You still have some growing up to do, but here are some things I hope you learn along the way.

I hope you never forget how much your family loves you. You brightened our worlds the moment you entered them. Let's start with your Mom and dad, they love you more than anything in this world. I've watched your dad go from a tough guy to the dad who sneaks you candy after mommy says no. You always get so mad at mommy but she does it because she loves you so much. She is trying to teach you that we don't always get everything we want in life, but that it's okay. Oh, your brother. He picks on you so much, but that's just what brothers do. I grew up with your daddy and uncles who picked on me just as much.. It is a brother's way of telling you they love you. You two won't always see eye to eye, but he will always have your back. Your whole family is a little bit crazy, but we do have one thing in common. We all love you so much.

I want you to know that I will always be there for you, no matter what. There will be times when you don't want to tell your mom and dad things, and in those times I want you to know that you can come to me. I will always have an ear to listen. You will always be able to depend on me. I'm not perfect and I will make mistakes but I will do the best that I can for you. Never, ever forget that.

Always be a stand up guy. You have such a sweet heart and even at the age of two, you would do anything for anyone. Never grow out of that, no matter what anyone says. You are so kind, show people kindness in everything you do. Always be the man, walk away from fights (and you will have plenty in high school). Be a friend to anyone who needs it. Give second chances and love with all you have. People like you will change the world someday, I'm sure of it.

Last but not least, I don't want you to ever settle. Never settle for less than you deserve. Life is short and you will learn just how quickly it goes by. Always believe in yourself. Do well in school, go to the college of your dreams. Apply for that job. Travel the world, go on amazing adventures! Take risks, even if they seem scary. You deserve the world, never let anyone tell you otherwise.

You are one amazing kid, I hope you get everything you have ever wanted in life.


Your Aunt

Article Source: EzineArticles

How Much Should You Pay Your Sitter?

The End of Casual Care

For older generations, it was standard to just allow kids to watch TV. In today's world, parents are more cautious about how kids spend their time. Today, trends are pointing toward more intentional parenting, a strong awareness of present dangers and a desire to make play serve a role in improving a child's chance of success in the world. Together, these trends mean that casual child care arrangements are a thing of the past, while the need for on-demand, reliable care has not lessened at all.

Sometimes, it's simpler to just stay home than to find a sitter who fits your budget and lifestyle. Like any service that straddles both the informal and formal economy, the variation in quality and cost is too confusing to navigate. You don't want to be overcharged, but you don't want to shortchange the person charged with watching your child. Anyway, how do you really know if this person is a good fit for your family?

Luckily, it is possible, and the right tools make it easier. But before you begin interviewing potential sitters, make sure you know what you can afford to pay and how much your future sitter likely expects.

Market Considerations

Child care costs vary according to the local market. As you would expect, the expense tracks with the cost of living, making New York City the most expensive city to hire a sitter in, followed by San Francisco and then Los Angeles. Of course, in those cities, you are more likely to hire a caregiver who can speak a second language or has other expertise and experience that may benefit your child. Washington, D.C. follows close behind, and then cities in the Midwest range $3-4 less and often price in below the living wage. Outside the major cities, prices vary greatly depending on local conditions and other factors.

When you think about how much a workshop or camp costs, hiring a sitter with experience who can give your child a unique adventure can really be worth it. Paying at the upper end doesn't cost that much more, especially if the sitter drives, can take kids to activities and is a person your children look forward to spending time with. These relationships can be mutually enriching and bring other benefits that you can't put a price tag on.

What's a Fair Rate for Your Area?

It's a good idea to browse the classified, check-out postings on Craigslist and ask around to see what kind of rate caregivers in your area are charging. If you have a neighborhood message board or belong to a local parenting group on social media, ask community members about best practices and fair rates.

Use the living wage calculator to get a rough idea of the low and high end of theoretical wage range in your area. If you're struggling to earn a living wage, you might end up paying more than 18 percent, which is what an average family pays for child care. Be persistent. Patience pays off. Not every sitter needs or expects a living wage, and with diligence, you can find a sitter that fits your budget and needs. Sitters are typically more flexible than full-time caregivers.

Age and Experience

If your wallet feels a little constricted, be more flexible about your sitter's age and experience. For example, you may want to take a chance on a younger, less experienced caregiver if there is plenty of support nearby in case of an emergency, such as a close family member or trusted neighbor. Often, a new sitter has experience working with kids under adult supervision or can help your favorite sitter out with a group of children to gain experience.

Likewise, an older caregiver may have plenty of experience but be unable to perform some of the more physically demanding tasks required. Older sisters are better for the very young or for children old enough to perform basic self-care. Take into consideration the time span that needs to be covered or the situations where the parents are still in the house but can't devote attention to child care.

Remember, very few families find the best sitter right away. This is a process that will take some trial and error. When you do find a great fit, use rate increases, perks and bonuses to show your appreciation. Even if you can't afford to pay a top rate every time, an occasional tip lets your sitter know what they mean to you. It's always easier to keep a great sitter than to find a new one. Having a back-up isn't a bad idea, either. Great sitters eventually move on to other things. Sooner or later, most families have to find a new one.

Know Your Limits

Knowing the top rate you can afford and the lowest rate you would feel good about paying will help you find the perfect sitter. Be confident and set the right tone for clear communications. If you and your sitter don't see eye to eye, no hard feelings. Settle on a rate that makes both you and your sitter feels good about the arrangement. Happy sitters offer you greater freedom and give your kids plenty of stories to tell when you come home.


Founded by two busy parents, SittersOnly.com is an online resource where parents go to find and book sitters. We make finding that perfect sitter or nanny a better experience for families.

Article Source: EzineArticles

To Stink, or Not to Stink, That Is the Question

There are all kinds of questions in this world of ours. Most are rather annoying. It would not surprise me in the least if there were a gang of hooligans somewhere hired to make up silly questions. If I could find this gang, I would disperse them immediately, without a question.

Of course, there is the fact that the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage is in cahoots with these question-maker-uppers. Every once in a while she comes up with questions for Yours Truly.

It is not the questions I object to but rather the answers I am supposed to give in connection to the questions. My wife has a silly notion that the answers I give should be in direct correlation to the questions she asked. Who made up this rule? Oops, that was a question. Sorry about that.

It is my opinion, and mine alone, especially in my home, that if I am asked a question I should have the option to give the answer I want to give whether it relates to the question or not. My wife insists my answer should be a response to her question.

More times than I care to admit, when my wife is asking her second question, I am still thinking about her first question. By the time she had gotten to her sixth question, I have formed an answer for that first question. And when she asks her tenth question, I am answering her first question.

It is all very confusing to me because she always says, ''That was not what I asked you?'' It was but she was so far ahead of me that it is virtually impossible for me to catch up. So, if I cannot catch up, I catch flak.

Last week, for example, she put to me a very penetrating question. ''What is that awful smell?''

I would not have taken offense to the question so much, but she was looking straight at me when she posed it. What I took from the question was that I, for some reason unbeknownst to me, smelled pretty bad. Even though it was not Saturday night, I took the hint and marched my raunchy body to the bathroom for a bath.

I just took for granted that there was an odor around. I do have a nose, but the primary function of my nose is to be a resting place for my spectacles. Something has to be awful for me to smell it. My wife, on the other hand, has superhuman smelling properties. She can smell a rotten apple while it is still a blossom on the apple tree.

I thought the question of ''What stinks?'' had been thoroughly answered. So, I dressed and got in my car to go to the office. On the drive to the office, I noticed something rather peculiar. My car stank. There was some terrible odor in my car that I could not identify. I knew it could not be me since I had just come from a fresh bath only a few moments ago. But there was an unmistakable stench in the car.

I arrived at my office, got seated behind my desk and began some work when I noticed something peculiar. My office stank. It smelled as if some old alley cat had found its way into my office, crawled behind a bookcase, and died... two weeks ago. I began searching the office for the decaying carcass creating such a disgusting odor in my office.

Finally I gave up and went home. Before I could tell my wife about the problem at the office and in the car, she surprised me with another question.

''What is that awful smell?'' She was looking straight at me with the obvious conclusion that the smell was coming from my direction.

By this time, I too was noticing the smell so it must have been something rather awful. I just knew it could not have been me because only two hours ago I immersed myself in the bubbly and vigorously scrubbed off any odor that might have been lodged on my body. I even threatened my body with a Brillo pad. I knew the odor was not on me.

''Where is that smell coming from?'' my wife demanded as she approached me with her nostrils flaring. The closer she got to me the more her nose wrinkled in agony. It was then she made a startling conclusion.

''That odor is coming from you. You stink.''

Well, if words could kill you would be reading a very nice obituary in the newspaper this morning. I was deeply offended by this observation.

When she got close to me, she examined my person very carefully and then looked down at my shoes. ''How long have you had those shoes?''

They were my favorite shoes so I had them quite a long time. I mumbled something like about five years.

''Aha, it is your shoes that stink. Those shoes are rotten and you will have to throw them out. I do not want to see those shoes in this house ever again.''

I was reminded of a verse in the Bible. ''For though thou wash thee with nitre, and take thee much soap, yet thine iniquity is marked before me, saith the Lord GOD.'' (Jeremiah 2:22 KJV).

You can clean up all you want to but if you are still wearing rotten shoes you still stink.

Article Source: EzineArticles

I Was Just Thinking

Thinking is not my strong suit by any stretch of the imagination. Every time I start thinking, I either get a headache or get into trouble. I'm not sure which is worse, the headache or the trouble.

In my normal pursuit of life, thinking sits in the backseat. If there is an emergency, thinking may come forward and help out. However, in the meantime, thinking is not something I like to do on a regular basis.

That is my side. On the other side, the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage is always thinking. Most of the time, she is thinking about jobs I should be doing. I don't know how she does it, but she can come up with a list of "honey-do's" that will occupy all my time. Of course, I must confess, while I am doing these "honey-do's" I am thinking, but not thoughts I would like to come out into the public arena.

I do not really have to think that much because my wife thinks for me. How she does it is beyond me, but she knows what I am thinking three days before that thought enters my head. At least, that's what she tells me and she would not lie to me.

I have learned through the years that there are several questions that I should never ask my wife. One is, "Honey, what are you doing?"

You would think after decades of interaction with her I would know what to say and what not to say. Because I don't give much to thinking, I usually speak without thinking, which always gets me into trouble. If I could think through something, I just might escape the trouble that I get into.

Just the other day I came home from working at the office and my wife was sitting in the chair and I asked "the" question. "Honey, what are you doing?"

My wife knows how to ask questions and is very skillful at asking the right question. The other side is that she knows how to answer questions to such a degree that gets me into difficulty. How she manages this is beyond my wildest imagination. Of course, if I would think about it, maybe I could come up with an answer, but who has time to think these days?

Without any delay, she responded to my inquiry by saying, "I was just thinking... "

As soon as she said that, I knew I was in trouble. Why don't I keep my questions to myself? Why must I always fall into that trap she lays for me?

"I was just thinking," she said without giving me any opportunity to respond, "that we ought to go to the mall this afternoon and do a little bit of shopping."

Her "little bit of shopping" has nothing to do with the word "little," but a lot to do with the word, "cash." She has the idea that if you buy something with a credit card, no cash is involved.

The last place on earth I want to go to is the shopping mall. I must confess that I have a little bit of a drug problem here. When I go to the mall with my wife, I am drug from one store to another store to another store until I have completely lost any sense of reality.

I am not sure if there is a solution to this kind of a drug problem. If there is, I would like to know about it.

"Well," I said as hesitatingly as possible, "we might not have enough time to go this afternoon to the shopping mall."

"I was just thinking," she responded, "that we could go to the shopping mall this afternoon and then stop by a restaurant and have supper out together. Wouldn't that be wonderful? What do you think?"

If I had just the energy to think through this kind of thing, I would have guessed that she had an ulterior motive in going to the shopping mall.

"If we go out for supper tonight," she explained, "we will have plenty of time to go to the mall this afternoon." With that, she smiled one of those contagious smiles that I have not yet been able to resist.

Driving to the mall that afternoon I had a variety of thoughts jingling through my mind. One predominant thought was, "How much is this going to cost?"

Although my wife thinks a lot, this is one area where her thinking never penetrates. I suppose that is my responsibility to think about the money aspect of everything. The problem is, the more I think about it, the less I really like it.

As we were coming home after supper at the restaurant my wife said, "I was just thinking what a wonderful afternoon this was. I'm glad you came up with this idea."

I pondered about that for a while and could not remember when I came up with this idea. I thought it would be better for me just to go along with her thought, which would make everybody in the car happy.

As we were driving home, I happened to think of a passage in the Old Testament. "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord" (Isaiah 55:8).

I may not be big on thinking, but I take comfort in the fact that God thinks about me all the time.

Article Source: EzineArticles

In Loving Contemplation

Today I find myself thinking how blessed I am and that my children are an inexplicable gift from God. I remember a lot of little things about my enchanting daughter, which I am afraid will fade away like sand through my fingers if too much time passes. Haven't you ever loved someone so much that every minute that has passed with them is like a wisp of smoke in the air that you can see but cannot bring back?

When she was but a little child with ringlets caught behind her ear, I would often find her reading oblivious to everything around her. She would curl up on the carpet with her knees tucked up behind her and a book open in front of her with her little fingers twiddling each page delicately as if to not disrupt the fibers. Neil Armstrong could scarcely have felt more wonder on the moon than my little girl felt through the pages of those new books which she bought in the little shops all over town holding my hand.

There were times when I took her to the beach to swim and play in the sand like children her own age but she preferred to seek the shade and enjoy her book!. Her love for the written word always arose from an innate place within her and I could never seek credit for it. When I think about both of my children, they are vastly different. My son likes to create things and be in the outdoors and has no interest in reading but for the life of me I do not want them to be the same. I am glad God sought to make them apart in every way.

On this seemingly silent contemplative afternoon, I do not pretend that I can understand the complexity of God. How he can create immense capabilities for species in the small strands of DNA within us and how from one couple of human beings or animals, countless different kinds of traits can emerge. Think about when two hummingbirds mate, they do not just create one hummingbird; they can create up to three hundred different kinds over the centuries. It does not take an artist to appreciate the beauty that lies in all these creations, all you have to do is be looking for them.

Often I have seated myself in places where I can just watch people walk by. It is hard to explain my exact purpose except that I find it so surprisingly calming.

Many of those people are mixed race or of mixed ethnicities but the union of their parents has created something which can only be described as artistic. Some of them have dusky skin with bright ocean blue eyes and there is a certain synchronicity which you never imagined till you have actually seen it.

Nowadays sexual intimacy has been made into something which must be discouraged or despised when it is love in its most basic sense and an act which makes such indescribable beauty possible.

But it is true that it must arise from the right place within; from a place of true affection. Embrace this level of intimacy, all the while holding it in high esteem as something that you have been given but not something that belongs to you.

Children's book and cookbook author Litsa Bolontzakis is an expert on Greek cooking and that culture's easy, simple way of life. Her desire is to help other families learn from her culture how to appreciate the simple things in life and grow to enjoy the seasons and the gifts they bring.

Article Source: EzineArticles

The Amazing Wonder of AGE

I have just celebrated my recent birthday. By now, it is getting to be old business for me. Just another day of the year to celebrate something, which just happens to be my birthday.

I believe that if it is my birthday, I should be able to celebrate whatever birthday I want to celebrate. You are only as old as you celebrate.

I am not embarrassed at how old I am, I just sometimes cannot remember the exact figure. Some of my friends are rather legalistic along this line and are demanding the exact number of my birthday. Is it really that important? Does it really matter how old you are?

Well, if you spoke to some of my friends it matters to them. For those of us, however, who have experienced a succession of birthdays it does not really matter.

Thinking of my birthday this past week I was trying to figure out what was my best birthday. All of them had certain significance to them. For example, my 16th birthday allowed me to drive the car. However, I could only drive the car when my father said I could drive the car.

My 21st birthday was very important because I then could get married. Back then, you could not get married unless you were 21 years of age. Before that, you had to have your parent's permission. I have asked my parents for many things throughout the years, but I think asking to get married is just crossing the line somewhere.

Every birthday starts a new year of adventure and excitement. When you get older, adventure and excitement sort of goes away a little bit. It can be exciting to celebrate another birthday and wonder where you going to be at when your next birthday comes around.

Some people feel it's a little negative to get older. If you do not get older, it means that you have... Well, you know the rest of that sentence. I find nothing negative about getting older. I find certain amenities are associated with getting older that I could not cash in when I was younger.

When I was younger, I could not get away with much of anything. Now that I am older, I can get away with things because I have a few niches I can use. "I'm sorry," I often say to the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage, "I forgot all about that. You know I'm getting older now."

She smiles and shakes an understanding head. It is wonderful to have an excuse for things of that nature.

For my birthday this year, I discovered something rather interesting. This year I discovered the amazing wonder of A.G.E. If you look at age from the proper perspective, you do get some very interesting enjoyments.

I suppose I should explain to you what I mean by A.G.E. It never occurred to me until this birthday celebration. A.G.E is simply Aggressive Grumpy Elegance. I never saw this before, but then of course I was not old enough to appreciate it.

When I was young, I noticed my grandfather had some rather grumpy sessions and I did not quite understand. Now that I am approaching my grandfather's age, I appreciate that grumpy attitude. Oh, the wonder of Aggressive Grumpy Elegance.

If I ever thought youth was exciting, it is nothing compared to this A.G.E. that I am experiencing right now. It is so wonderful to be grumpy whenever you choose.

I know some people are grumpy because they are just grumpy. That has nothing to do with this wonderful Aggressive Grumpy Elegance that I have discovered.

It takes quite a few decades to master this kind of attitude. I am delighted to say I have reached that stage in my life and I am mastering this part of Aggressive Grumpy Elegance. I just cannot say it often enough.

For example, when I want a quiet afternoon and maybe take a little bit of a nap, the result of this would be somebody saying, "Stay away from grandpa, he's acting a little grumpy today." The key to that is "acting."

Some people are grumpy because they are grumpy, but those of us who have reached a certain level in life are grumpy because we are acting grumpy and to act grumpy takes a great deal of thespian skill.

If someone, and I will not mention the real name here, wants me to go shopping with her, all I need to do is put on the grumpy act. "Well," she will say, "I guess you're too grumpy to go shopping with me today!"

The person who has reached this level of A.G.E can turn it on when needed and turn it off when not needed. That is the "elegance" part of this whole business.

When the grandchildren are around making noise and excitement, I do not have to act grumpy. When their parents, however, come around that is the time when grumpy kicks in.

You have to know when to act grumpy and when not to act grumpy. That is the wonderful aspect of getting to the age I am at right now.

I believe Solomon understood this when he wrote, "The glory of young men is their strength: and the beauty of old men is the grey head" (Proverbs 20:29).

One of the great privileges in life is to earn that "grey head." More important, to use that grey head in a positive, affirmative fashion.

Article Source: EzineArticles

Home From Home or Reverse Cultural Shock Syndrome

If you have ever lived abroad for an extended period of time, and returned to your home country, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

There is a little dark secret hidden behind the 'coming home' announcement.

Have you ever experienced the feeling of not really knowing where home is? Is home a space, a building structure or just a feeling of belonging? It's a strange sensation and a mental separation between where you want to be, and where you actually have to be.

We recently relocated to our home country after living in China for 5 years; needless to describe how unsettling it is readapting to your once 'normal' lifestyle, friends, costumes, culture, house, driving habits, food, and of course let's not forget taxes. It's like rediscovering a feeling of déjàvu, but, with a twist of nostalgia and the uncertainty of how to rebuild things from the place where you left them. Things are "almost normal, "almost the same".

For a time, I found myself wondering: what did I use doing when we lived here last? How can this be happening to me? How do I get over all these feelings? As you can imagine, I deal with issues like this daily as part of my work, and yet there I was, wondering about the same things my clients grieve.

Funny fact, as I was unpacking the moving boxes, I caught myself smelling the old 'home'. It is well known that tastes and smells have the magic quality to take us back in time, even to our early childhood.

All of our friends moved on with their lives while we were away making a new life in another country. They have changed, but we have also changed, and somehow still expected things to be the same way we left them. How is that even possible? How to find balance again and the sense of being home? It's an old-new beginning to us, not to the world around us. We speak about home referring to China... how weird is that? We ARE supposed to be home!

All went in slow motion until I realised that home had more to do with a mental state, a comfortable feeling and not so much about an actual place. To my children, who live abroad, home is where we are, regardless of where in the world that might be.

I started analysing (yeah... I guess it's in my nature to analyse stuff)... what was different with all of the other moves? I never felt the way I feel now. Why?

When we moved from our birth town in Latin America to France, we were 'gone' long before actually moving.

From France to Belgium, what pushed us was the possibility of a new beginning with the family, hope was behind all, and it turned to be the right place for us.

Later from Belgium to China, we were all excited with new adventures. Nevertheless, we expected challenges; therefore, I started making contacts months before actually moving.

I was actively involved in networking; creating contacts, planning meetings, organising work and making sure a stable platform was ready for us upon arrival. I knew where to live, what to expect, where my children will study, etc... Again, we were gone even before having the green light from the company.

From China to Belgium all that changed because none of us was ready for the return. We were in love with China. It was falling into a black pit!

What we realised later was that there is not much difference in terms of moving from one country to another, the attitude changes all in a positive or negative way. It is completely up to us to make the best of it, not only for our own sake but for our family's as well. Living in any country for more than 3 years creates invisible roots.

Home is definitely a state of mind, it's more about where you are happy to be than actually the place where you are. Many people say: home is where the heart is! And they are right.

Should you ever find yourself in this situation, keep in mind that small things can get you faster back on your feet:

- Join a club, gym, association, church

- Join group lessons: cooking, language, Zumba, running, etc

- Work on your garden and plan for the coming season. Nothing better than looking forward into possibilities.

- Retake contact with old friends and/or, go out and make new ones.

- Planning your days will help you get a sense of belonging

- Explore, there is always something new

- Love yourself and show appreciation to all those around you at home, life will be so much simpler and enjoyable

There is no small or big challenge, just a new opportunity to know yourself more and get better.

It's all in the attitude!


Article Source: EzineArticles

Personal Alarms - How Can Something So Small As A Personal Alarm Be So Helpful?

Personal Alarms are small, inexpensive devices that come in many shapes and colors but they all do the same thing - they all emit a very loud, annoying sound that will scare any potential attacker as well as attract attention, even if the people are not in the exact vicinity. Everyone today has a cell phone and many people want to get any type of excitement on video so they'll generally come.

So what are some of the uses for a Personal Alarm? Let's look at a few.

· Child: Teach your children how to use a Personal Alarm and have them carry one with them at all times. These devices are small and you can put it in your child's pocket or even pin it to their coat if necessary. Practice with them how to use it and what they should do if approached by a stranger. Warn them against people who ask them to see their puppy or help them search for their lost puppy. Another scheme if to tell the child that their Mommy has sent them to pick them up or, worse yet, tell them that their Mommy is in trouble! If any of these scenarios happen, tell your child to set off the alarm. All they do is push a button or pull a pin depending on the device. The alarm will startle the creep and he will get away very quickly because of the attention the alarm gets. The child should also begin screaming until help arrives.

· Hiking: Many people like to hike in the woods. But not all of these people are like Daniel Boone so they lose their bearings. What do they do after trying to find their way back - they get even more lost. Yelling might help but your voice won't carry very far, especially if there are a lot of trees. This is where your Personal Alarm will help solve your problem. Just set off the alarm and the sound will carry much farther than yelling. Most Personal Alarms come in 90-130 db of sound. I would advise the loudest alarm you can get if you plan on hiking.

· Dark Parking Lot: Today many people go to a mall to shop. Just look at the amount of cars are in the parking lot to get an idea. Sometimes you have to park a distance from the store. So what happens at night when you're looking for your car. Yes, you can use your car alarm to find your vehicle but that just shows you're lost and that's just what some bad guys are looking for. Parking lots don't have lot of security and most women carry purses which means easy money. Plus, you are carrying packages from what you purchased and have your hands full. Now you're a great target for a robber! If you feel threatened, set off your Personal Alarm to attract attention. The potential attacker will leave in the darkness and there is generally someone who will come to your assistance and help you find your car.

These are just a few ways that Personal Alarms can help you in times of need. Everyone should carry one with them, regardless of gender or age. You never know when you will need a helping hand when you are in trouble and a loud alarm can help keep you from becoming a crime statistic.

Personal Alarms are devices that will help keep you safe and help you find your way if you are lost. Everyone should carry one with them, regardless of age or gender. To see a large array of these amazing devices, please click here: http://www.feelsafeandsecurenow.com/collections/personal-alarms to keep you and your family safe and secure. By the way, these devices make great gifts!

Feel Safe and Secure Now have a very large array of Home Security and Personal Safety products which will allow you and your family live a safe and secure life. There are also many products to protect your house. Please visit https://www.feelsafeandsecurenow.com

Article Source: EzineArticles

How Does One Help the Homeless?

A strange thing happened to me a few days ago. A lady put a post on my face book page that just said "brrrr, it's 40 degrees here now." Jokingly I said it was also 40 degrees in Australia in some parts, as that is the difference between Celsius and Fahrenheit. The lady responded with "yes, but I sleep in a tent because I am homeless". Then I saw her name and recognised an online friend of some 10 to 12 years. I was devastated!

Not only did I feel ashamed but felt to immediately respond and apologise. In conversation her story unfolded. She has been homeless for some 4 years and while she is known to me and I can help by raising awareness it is a story that is manifesting in every western country where people are living on the streets. This lady is autistic, has chromic heart failure, rheumatoid arthritis, and a brain aneurism. Se is dangerously ill, alone, and desperate.

The number of people who are on the streets of our cities pleading for help are chiefly ignored by governments who think nothing of wasting a fortune on their own little perks. In Australia, for instance, the government has just thrown away 122 million on a postal vote for same-sex marriage. This was completely unnecessary as the parliament has to vote on it anyway and could have done in the first instance.

In the USA the government passed a bill allowing Trump to spend $10 billion on a wall that is racist, divisive, and completely unnecessary. The facts are that there are not many votes in helping the homeless. Their plight is best buried under the carpet and not heard. But what about the ones who are suffering?

Does anyone care? Yes, there is a huge response to the photo put up on face book of the above victim's living conditions. She sleeps under a plastic covering set up like a tent. Her personal things are strewn everywhere because she has no furniture or way of keeping them tidy. She can't even keep them out of the rain or snow.

In Australia we are heading into summer and very high temperatures. That makes it extremely hard for people to shop and keep food from spoiling. How can they even keep a bottle of milk without refrigeration? They have no electricity, beds, heating, and so forth. Those of us who have homes should look again at what it is we can do for the homeless. There is a lesson here for everyone.

Norma Holt has researched how governments are part of the World Order and the establishment set in place by the one with the number 666. His work and legacy is an eye opener and the reason behind it is set out and included in the plan of God to bring the earth as we know it to an end.

Article Source: EzineArticles

Why Are Some Older Women Homeless?

It seems that many older women are now homeless making up a large percentage of street dwellers. One has to ask why? The answer, however, is rather obvious. In Australia women are discriminated against and are often prevented from the same opportunities of men. When a divorce occurs it is often the woman who ends up homeless. Men who manipulate the system are able to secure a better future for themselves than women can.

It came as a shock this week to learn that a cyber friends of some 12 years is living in a make shift tent on the streets in the USA. It brought tears to my eyes to know that she was the victim of a cruel act on the part of her ex husband prior to their divorce some three years ago. He saw the family home disposed of so as to prevent her having it after the event.

Men are capable of some foul acts when it comes to separating when things go wrong. They may be the last to know how bad their marriage has become and it is something they can't handle when it finally breaks apart.

Many women can speak from experience when it comes to feeling the retribution of such a man. It appears that many will go to extraordinary lengths to pay-back their mate after a court battle. Disposing of the home to get even is only the tip of the iceberg in regards to how far they will go. Perhaps this is why many women quit without a settlement.

In recent times we have witnessed some horrendous deeds carried out on the children by their fathers. Throwing a little girl over a bridge to crash on the rocks below is one of them and bashing another over the head with a cricket bat in front of his mother and a large audience is unforgettable.

Is it any wonder that women leave and opt to sleep on the streets rather than face the consequences of a violent man? As they age and work becomes unavailable they are more vulnerable than ever. Not all women who end up on the streets have left voluntarily as many have been forced to do so for other reasons.

Gambling, alcoholism, and drugs also contribute to the problem. That doesn't mean that all homeless women suffer from these things but the chances are they may take them up to escape their predicaments.

Norma Holt has knowledge that enables her to understand many issues. Politics, health, social and behavioural problems are usually on her list for discussion as well as anything to do with the Spirit of the Universe and reincarnation, which she experienced. She is happy to hear from any of her readers.

Article Source: EzineArticles

Dysfunctional Families - Reasons, Culprits and Innocent Sufferers

The relationships within a nuclear family can be too much sensitive and delicate. At the same time, the strength that these relationships attain with time matches no other strength on the earth. There can be a number of external and internal factors in making this divine relationship weak.

The discussion on reasons can surely be too infinite to discuss in a single article. So I am going to discuss the most prominent and major reasons. Right from the outset of a marriage, some sane steps should be taken in order not to encounter future problem s. A wholehearted agreement should be made from both the sides and a thorough probation should be done from both the families which should be friendlier.

As for the cultural difference, the west seems to be more incline d towards marriage that boy and girl decide only while the east tend to get the whole procedure done through families. Whatever the procedure is both the sides should have some time to think about it carefully and wisely. Once the decision is made, stand by it in any case. If all the decisions are made without much thinking and with the blink of an eye they can prove to be regretting later on.

After getting hitched a heavy load of responsibilities is ahead of you. One of the biggest responsibilities is to 'never give up'. For doing this, patience is needed. Lack of patience can lead to smaller problems getting bigger day by day. In many cases, they can be unable to curb. Spending a happy life as a couple does not mean you are void of problems for the lifetime. Once you have kids the responsibility and forbearance have to be doubled than before. After being parents any act of ignorance can result in a broken relationship.

In the first place, parents must be held accountable. As for the ethnic societies, the ethnic culture seems to be dependent upon the elderly people deciding for marriages. When elderly people make the same mistake of not thinking much the result is a dysfunctional family. Despite the fact that there can be other people responsible for this husband and wife can bring tremendous change.

Whatever the problems are the ones who suffer the most in all this are children. They are the innocents that know and do nothing from first to the last yet pay most of all. Their mental and physical abilities can be affected grossly. Their future can be wretchedly disastrous.

Article Source: EzineArticles

This Fall Was a Major Trip for Me

This past week the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage said to me rather casually, "I guess you know today is November?"

She's always joking with me and I assumed this was one of her jokes.

"You can't fool me," I said quite sarcastically, "I know it's October."

With that, she led me to the refrigerator where she had a calendar and pointed to me that today was the first day of November.

It was hard for me to believe it; I thought she had made that calendar up herself. After thinking for a few moments, I concluded that she was right. After all, she's always right and I'm always left holding the bag.

With a little bit of sadness in my voice I said to her, "Where in the world did October go? I'm not finished with October yet."

"Finished or not," she said laughingly, "October is over and it is now November."

I like to enjoy my time and I did not believe I had fully enjoyed all of October yet. That's just the way life is. Here today, gone tomorrow. October yesterday, November today. When will all of this nonsense stop?

I should have noticed it was November because the whole house smelled of roast turkey in the oven. It is in November that we celebrate Thanksgiving. My wife had already purchased the turkey and was in the process of cooking it for Thanksgiving.

The only turkey we're not really grateful for is Yours Truly.

When Fall comes, you would think I would be prepared. Fall brings a different attitude in things. All of the nice warm weather is gone and now we have a little bit of Chilly Willy weather.

Summertime is the time to be a little lazy and not get too worked up about anything. The attitude I have during the summer is, "There's always tomorrow."

The attitude of the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage is, "There's only today."

Summertime cultivates a sense of laziness in my bones. I can get away with doing the summer because I can always complain about the heat. "It's too hot to do anything today." I usually get away with it.

Tripping into November that attitude and excuse goes out the window.

There is an expectancy from the other resident in our home that there is a lot of work to do in preparation for Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Year's Eve and it all has to be done now. Then, she produces her infamous "Honey-Do-List" and hands it to me.

Oh, how I miss the summer time.

I know Fall comes every year, but for some reason it always catches me by surprise.

Just like in the sixth grade. Our teacher gave us a test every Friday, but when Friday came, it was a surprise to us. I guess I have brought that attitude into adulthood.

Getting things done is the priority of my wife, which she pushes off on to me. My attitude is that if it gets done, it gets done and if it doesn't get done, I'll do it tomorrow.

Between November and December, there are 61 days. That sounds like a lot of time, but when you have to squeeze into 61 days 999 items from the "Honey-Do-List" it just does not seem possible. My wife, however, can do that and more in 61 days.

Being the gracious husband I have been all these years, I have never yet asked her how she does it. Because I know, if I asked, she will tell. There are some things I don't need to know and that is one.

Another problem I have with Fall is the weather. All summer long, I have grown accustomed to wearing short sleeve shirts. I like short sleeve shirts. When Fall comes, particularly November, the weather changes and I need to step up my game to long sleeve shirts.

I don't have any problem so to speak with long sleeve shirts. I just prefer a short sleeve shirt. But you know the weather. It demands long sleeve shirts in the Fall. Of course, when fall disappears and winter steps up, the long sleeve shirt is transferred into a sweater. And you know what sweaters are like.

I would not mind the Fall so bad if it wasn't so busy. Beginning with the Halloween celebration, whatever that is, and going all the way down the road to the New Year's Eve celebration is one celebration after another.

As I was musing on all of these aspects of the Fall season, my wife brought me a hot apple cider tea. It is one of my favorite drinks. She said as she brought it to me, "I know Fall is here and I thought you might enjoy this hot apple cider tea."

All summer long, I had forgotten about this favorite drink of mine. When she brought it to me, I could not keep a smile off of my face. After my first sip, I sat back in my chair and said loudly so everybody in the house could hear, "I'm glad it's Fall."

While I was drinking my hot apple cider tea, I mused on a verse from the Psalms. "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it" (Psalm 118:24).

Every day brings it some reason to rejoice in the Lord. My job is to find that reason.

Article Source: EzineArticles

Each Day Is A Gift

Each day the sun comes up we say to ourselves "Here's another day. Now what do I have to do today?" We get out of our beds, put the coffee up to brew, perhaps turn on the computer to see what is going on in the world before we do anything else. We prepare and layout the clothes we are going to wear, maybe make a list or two of things that have to be done, then we head out the door.

As we head out that door, we don't know what the day has in store for us. Hopefully all will go your way. You might meet someone you haven't seen in a while. Chit chat for a few moments, then be on your way, You might also come across someone who has had a bad day and takes it out on you, thus tossing your plans for an enjoyable day or evening out the window.

Some of us might take the time during the day to call a family member or perhaps a friend or two. We take it for granted the time we have on this earth and don't fully appreciate what we have.

Each day is precious. Whether it is rainy, sunny, snow is falling or there is a hurricane in the process. Each day that we can say, "What do I have to do today?" is a blessing and not to be cast aside lightly. We should be thankful for whatever we have and not dwell on the things we don't. There is nothing on this earth that is more important as your well-being and the love of family and friends.

Soon the holidays will be here. What better way is there to show the love and thankfulness of having a family and friends. Gathering around a decorative table with food prepared from the heart of our dear ones. A moment to talk about the our past, present and future.

As a free nation, we should be thankful for our freedom to worship as we please, to support the political party of our choice, to honor our flag and all it stands for.

So as we start each day, and as you first open your eyes in the morning, say to yourself how lucky you are to have what you have, then say to yourself, "What do I have to do today?"

Enjoy my friends, another day that is always a gift. Whatever you do... make the most of whatever comes your way!

Article Source: EzineArticles

Poor As I Am, All I Can Give Is Thanks

It was a pre-Thanksgiving evening and the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage and I were enjoying some hot cider tea. Nothing goes down quite as nice as a hot cider tea.

It was rather a quiet evening and I happened to glance over at my wife and saw her staring into space as it were. It concerned me because I knew that's what she did when she was thinking about something.

The problem that faced me was simply this. Was she thinking about me or something else? If it's me, I'm probably in trouble. If it's something else, I'm probably in trouble. No matter which side of the fence I'm on, I'm in trouble.

I was tempted to ignore the situation and continue the silent evening but something inside me would not let me sit still. I don't know what it is about us husbands, we don't know when to shut up and we don't know when to speak up. If only we could do the opposite of what we're thinking at the time, we probably could get along much better with the opposite side of the fence.

"What are you," I asked her quite simply, "thinking about so strongly?"

Continuing to stare into space, she was silent for a few moments and then she said, "I'm trying to figure out what gifts we should get for our family."

Say what? I haven't even demolished the Thanksgiving turkey yet and she's thinking about Christmas gifts.

That is the way with my wife. She cannot let a day go by without thinking of something three weeks or two months down the road. She cannot sit still and enjoy the moment.

I, on the other side of the fence, am able to sit down and enjoy this silence of the moment. I do not have the jitters to get up and do something. I have the calm, relaxing feeling of just sitting and enjoying the moment.

I knew what was going through her mind; all of the members of our family and what they like to get at Christmas time. On my part, I cannot come up with all the members of our family without asking questions to someone across the room. I recognize them when I see them, but I always forget one or two when I'm trying to think about the family.

That is the difference between my wife and me. She can keep a list of the family in her head for months, yea even years and know exactly what they would like for Christmas and even for their birthday. I don't even know their birthdays and have to be reminded by my wife.

Here we were, just a few days away from Thanksgiving and the wife is thinking about Christmas.

It seems to me that there is a reason why Thanksgiving comes before Christmas. Thanksgiving is a time that we give thanks sometimes for the turkey in front of us. Sometimes, for the turkey in the family, if you know what I mean.

I said very cautiously to my wife, "Just relax and enjoy the evening and wait until after Thanksgiving to work on your Christmas list."

She came down out of her staring across the room and began staring at me one of those stares that I've experienced so many times in life. "I must," she said most dramatically, "try to figure out what I'm going to get my family for Christmas."

I flashed a smile back at her and cuddled up to the silence for a few more moments.

One thing I can say about her, she is very generous when it comes to giving, especially at Christmas time.

As for me, my focus is on Thanksgiving. It's coming up very shortly and when it does, I want to be ready to enjoy every bit of that Thanksgiving dinner. I know that around the table will be a variety of family members. I know that some of them will be very chatty about what's going on in their life. I will smile and nod most generously, but my focus is on Tom the Turkey.

As my muse took me a little bit further down memory lane, I began to see and appreciate the difference between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I know they are about a month apart, but there's a bigger difference than days when it comes to Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Christmas is when you spend a whole lot of money buying Christmas presents for everybody in your family even those that, well, how can I say it, is not on your nice list.

Thanksgiving is quite different. Once I get beyond the turkey, I begin to realize that the purpose of Thanksgiving is simply to give thanks.

Christmas costs a lot, especially out of my wallet, but Thanksgiving costs more but in a different currency.

For Christmas, I have to work out a budget and I'm always, or should I say my wife is always over budget.

However, Thanksgiving is different. Thanksgiving is giving thanks and that has no monetary value on it at all.

Giving thanks is a good thing as David points out, "It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O Most High" (Psalm 92:1).

No matter how much coin I have in my pocket, giving thanks is the richest thing I could possibly give.

Article Source: EzineArticles